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About Me

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Ok so what can I tell you about me? I'm really not that interesting, to tell the truth. I am a stay-at-home mom to my three year old daughter, Bailey. I own a VERY VERY small home business making tie dye t-shirts and doing silk screen printing. I took these up to keep sane while staying at home with my kiddo. My husband, BrainGell and I own and run TWO internet radio stations together one of which is brand new and both can be listened to by clicking play on one of the two media players above. has been around 4 years and has been quite a lot of fun but we recently decided to split and expand the genres into two stations to appeal to a broader audience. is still in the building stages but should be hella fun once we get it going, like we plan to. Livehardrock caters to the Hard Rock and Heavy Metal lovers around the world where Liverock-n-Roll plays a slightly mellower spectrum of rock from old killer classics to brand new rock. My music tastes include but aren't limited to the bands you see below:



Frank Hannon




Rob Zombie





Nine Inch Nails



Motley Crue

Social Distortion


System of a Down


Tom Petty


3 Doors Down




View All of My BITCHEN Bands!

I am also a bit of a computer geek. I love computers and "techno gadgets" of all kinds and if I had my way I would be in school learning a trade that would allow me to play with them all day and get paid for it. I play a little with web design, graphic design, and server technology lately for fun. But besides this, I am also a bit of a craft-o-holic and love making and/or doing things with my hands. I enjoy things like crochet, I have made feeble attempts to sew, I can't paint worth a damn but hell if I don't try to, and I can get lost in a Michaels or a Joann's drooling over things I'd like to give a try. But so far I am best at tie dye.

Anyhow, thanks for stopping by my page and I hope to talk to you soon :)



My Interests

Movies, Reading, Music, Crafts, Hanging out with my friends and Family.

I'd like to meet:

YOUMy two favoritest people in the world, looking the most adorable.I love candid photography.


One of my favorite Cali bands. Ok, THEE favorite Cali band. Hard Echo, baby. Enjoy.Mouth of the Sun

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I am a horror and thriller WHORE!



I am also a WHORE for thriller and horror novels. Stephen King is the ultimate boogeyman!


My Mother

Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts

My Blog

Check out this video: Mouth of the Sun

HARD ECHO KICKS ASS. Will someone sign this band already? For cryin' out loud... Mouth of the SunAdd to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Whiskeys_Quiker on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 12:57:00 PST

Childe Roland To The Dark Tower Came

The poem that inspired the set of books I am almost through with.   ROBERT BROWNING (1812-1889) "CHILDE ROLAND TO THE DARK TOWER CAME" My first thought was, he lied in every word,That hoary crip...
Posted by Whiskeys_Quiker on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 12:55:00 PST

Christmas kicked so much ass

It was a really great day. It was a really LOOOONG day and it was a shit load of work but it was excellent. There is nothing better than sharing time with friends and family. My kiddo made out like a ...
Posted by Whiskeys_Quiker on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 12:45:00 PST

I just gotta say

I am diggin' this myspace phenomenon more and more all the time. I can't tell you how many old friends have found me on this site so I decided to give it a shot and I stumbled onto sooo many people I ...
Posted by Whiskeys_Quiker on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 05:57:00 PST

Widdling down the "FRIENDS" list

I went from 437 friends to 258 friends just by weeding out some bands. Sorry bands. I am sure you all have talent but it was getting hard to read through bulletins. Good luck to ya. No hard feeli...
Posted by Whiskeys_Quiker on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 12:47:00 PST

Laugh if you want

But I love Sesame Street. Its one whole hour that my kid is really intensely occupied. And today they had Matchbox 20 sing. Excellent.
Posted by Whiskeys_Quiker on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 02:18:00 PST

Hooray for june!

Even though it's going to be hotter than hell this summer, I love summer! Swimming pools, bbq, going to the lake, reading in the backyard, camping... yes! If it wasn't so damn hot in the desert, and a...
Posted by Whiskeys_Quiker on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Yeah so this tie dye stuff is turning out to be fun. Its a shit load of work. The so-called "three step process" is actually like 20 steps and a 12 to 24 hour ordeal. BUT I LIKE DOING IT! I have sold ...
Posted by Whiskeys_Quiker on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Funniest fuckin' chain letter I have ever read in my life. Enjoy!   I know you all are very caring people:I am a very sick boy little boy. My mother is typing this for me,because I can't. She i...
Posted by Whiskeys_Quiker on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST