Traveling, inventing, tennis, hiking, living, motorcycle racing, etc.
I like honest people, and I don't mean someone that tells you everything that they're thinking or feeling all of the time, just someone that if you ask them a legitimate question they will give you a truthful answer.
Would be great to find someone that likes to play tennis.
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I like New music, anything really as long as I can enjoy it while driving, also sucker for a song with a good bass line!!
Boondock Saints, Office Space, Caddy Shack, Stripes, 2 days in the Valley, Payback, lot more but you get he idea
I watch it when there isn't anything else to do, I like a bunch of shows, but not enough to actually care what day or time they come on. Living life around some shows schedule is crazy!!!
I read them...have some favorite authors, but will read just about any thing that someone gives me:)
Hmmm, tough one, not any one person. Everyone in the armed forces, and also the people that are dedicated to health care, anybody that does a job well that makes life better for the masses!!!!