I love Fatherhood, I Love Her ,Traveling, Dancing, Movie/Dinner nights with my friends, Running up the Hill on Sierra, the track at piedmont, or my sets at Bally's(LOL)...I am always motivated to make things happen. Persistent nature to live up to my full potential. God gave me Soul and blessed me with some nice moving Feet!*interesting thing is that an Underdog like me always comes through someway and somehow...it's probably that "ROCKY" in me...ha
Who You is? ha*(to those peeps trying to add me-I won't add you unless you throw me a message...I don't mind seeing your request chillin...ha)*
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Movies starring Harold Ramis, the BOZ, Sean Penn's brother, William Baldwin, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Roberts, Rick Moranis, Jean Claude Van Damme, Billy Blanks...you guys are my idols to becoming a true thespian...
Been There Done That and Will do it again soon
Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Celestine Prophecy, When the elephants dance, The Davinci Code, Angel's n Demons, Life of PI, How to be like Mike, I read myself to sleep...oh yeah!!! Magazines are a must have for my airplane trips.
____________________________________________________________ ______________________________*No one can ever replace you*"You showed me what it meant to be a pure soul, having a dedicated heart, and the kindess so rare that God could ever bless someone with** Always in my heart"-----------Rest in Peace Sayako "TAPU" Goya---(Machine Gone Funk/SoulSector)-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------Tribute To fallen friends n Fam of MGFTapu(MGF/SS)--Damion(jsmooth's bro)--Christopher(jr boogaloo's son)---SkeeterRabbit(EB's)---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------Electric Boogaloos _________________________________Rest in Peace Steven "Skeeter Rabbit" Nichols(ELECTRIC BOOGALOOS)-------------------------------------------------- ------*This clip of Skeet is the reason why I got into Boogaloo...1st clip that inspired me to start dancing more-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------this mindstate---Electric Boogaloo, Demonz of The mind/PT3000, MopTops/EliteForce, The Rolling Party, my Fam and SqaudronSupreme.It's about the real raw gritty underground dance scene...TIME TO GO ON A RAMPAGE!!!