dance, yoga, music, cinema, voyage ...TRAINING PAULERECK AND HIS LITTLE BROTHER CDRIKKhome training 1 ( evolution )home training 2 (evolution )home training 3 (evolution )home training 4 (evolution )
everybody, peacefull, open minded, good spirit, who got skillz...
Hip Hop,Fat Beats, R'n'B, DJ Premier,Nu Soul, Love songs...
bronw sugar, brothers ,breakin all the rules,boomerang,set it of,new jack city,booty call,beauty shop,les larmes du soleil, platoon,pearl harbor,gladiator,malcom x,act of love ect....
MTV BASE ,TRACE TV , MCM , science et nature , documentairs ...
beauté noire, route fleurie, lestime de soi,l'amour au temps des choleéra, the body, the cocktail party ,da vinci code, malcom x , martin luther king , ect...
MON FRERE CEDRIC/my little brother (CEDRIC )