maja uzelac profile picture

maja uzelac


About Me

much too much.

My Interests

not the wisest ones, but the nicest ones.

I'd like to meet:

good cooks who like to feed people cakes, christian louboutin for presents (not likely), wallpaper experts, cool bloggers for fresh site (, john fante's descendants, louise brooks'lookalikes, wong kar wai, nice people who like to waste their money on making movies...

univerzalna zabava za pametne i one koji se tako osecaju:


dance to hip-hip, uffie, justice, lcd soundsystem, the knife, sally shapiro, jenny wilson, crystal castles, T2, busy P, roykspopp, basement jaxx, dahlia, james brown, drum'n'bass, le tigre, tango and mambo. weep to waits, dinah washington, tindersticks, scott walker, johnny cash, brook benton, leonard cohen. sing to nancy sinatra, pulp, koop, pipettes, nellie mckay, louis armstrong. dream to jimi tenor, blonde redhead, peaches, brazilian girls, rasputina, dengue fever.


les amants du pont-neuf (leos carax), letyat zhuravli (m.kalatozov), pandora's box (g.w.pabst), in the mood for love + ashes of time (wong kar wai), la notte (m. antonioni), cudna devojka (j.zivanovic), the killer (john wu), femme fatale ( palma), l'appartement (g.mimouni), sunrise (f.w.murnau), mlad i zdrav kao ruza (j.jovanovic), gilda (charles vidor), unforgiven (c.eastwood), punch-drunk love (p.t.anderson), offret (andrei tarkovsky), jezebel (w.wyler), the ballad of cable hogue (sam peckinpah).


lost. picket fences. south park. louis theroux. teletubbies. fashion tv.


knut hamsun, louis-ferdinand celine, john fante, g.g.marquez, august strindberg, f.scott fitzgerald, saul bellow, marina cvetaeva, charles simic, blaise cendrars, erskine caldwell, william faulkner, anatoli mariengof, luigi pirandello, michel houellebecq, alessandro baricco.


edward munch, marilyn monroe, lepotica remedios, klint eastwood, vivienne westwood, egon shiele, jeff buckley, modesty blaise, sean penn.