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vecna medikacija
Slovenska adaptacija gledaliske predstave Endless Medication
Rezija in priredba: Simona Semenic in Marijs Boulogne (Belgija)
Nastopata: Barbara Krajnc in Jelena Rusjan
Avtorica besedila: Marijs Boulogne
prevod: Tanja Lesnicar Pucko
Vecna medikacija / Endless Medication je gledaliska predstava, ki jo je leta 2003 ustvarila flamska reziserka in performerka Marijs Boulogne. Oktobra 2005 je bila predstavljena na Mestu zensk, po uspesni in odmevni izvedbi na festivalu se je Drustvo Mesto zensk odlocilo za adaptacijo predstave v slovenscino.
Vecna medikacija pripoveduje zgodbo o Rosi, dekletu, ki ne joce. Oplodi jo JesusChristMachine in kmalu rodi – skozi drobovje – bozjega vnuka. Bog se pojavi v obliki govorece zarnice, nosecnost pa ponazarja lubenica, ki raste pod Rosinim krilom. Ker se otrok razvija v Rosinem drobovju, zaustavi njeno presnovo: lubenico je treba razrezati/splaviti. Z bozjo pomocjo Rosa koncno (iz noge) rodi majhnega decka, ki nikoli ne joka. Zgodba se zakljuci z Rosinim zaprtjem v umobolnico, detomorom in procesom, na katerem je Rosa obsojena na zdravljenje brez konca.
Vecna medikacija je performans, narejen v slogu ‘fairground’ (sejemskega) gledalisca. Marijs Boulogne obravnava gledaliske trike na otrocji, luciden, pa tudi perverzen nacin. Skatolo,,ka moc je skrita za navidezno nedolznostjo dveh energicnih, radozivih in brezskrbnih deklet. Neprisiljen, samoumeven nacin, s katerim se lotevata obscenosti in nasilja, vodi zaradi predmeta obravnave - spocetja in rojstva bozjega vnuka - v obliko religiozno obarvane pornografije.
Ime dekleta – Rosa – izhaja od sv. Roze iz Lime (1586-1617). V Vecni medikaciji - o cemer pripovedujejo tudi izku,,nje stevilnih mistikinj iz istega obdobja - se verska ekstaza zlahka sprevr,,e v delirij z mocnim seksualnim nabojem. Svetost in bogoskrunstvo hodita z roko v roki.
Drustvo Mesto zensk odpira prostor, v katerem lahko umetnice, teoreticarke in aktivistke z vseh koncev sveta predstavljajo svoje stvaritve in dosezke sirsi javnosti. Od leta 1995 predstavlja umetni,,ko in kulturno produkcijo zensk, ki ustvarjajo na podrocju odrskih umetnosti, glasbe, vizualnih umetnosti, filmske in video produkcije, literature in teoreticnih znanj. Na ta nacin zeli spodbuditi javno diskusijo in ozavescenost o neproporcionalni udelezbi in zastopanosti zensk v umetnosti in kulturi ter nenazadnje v druzbi kot celoti. Hkrati predstavlja intelektualno platformo, ki izpostavlja pomembne in kriticne vidike sodobnosti.
New production by the City of Women, May 2006:
Marijs Boulogne: Endless Medication
Endless Medication tells the story of Rosa, a girl who cannot weep. She is made pregnant by the JesusChristMachine - possibly a reference to Heiner Müller's Hamletmachine - and is soon to give birth - through her intestines - to God's grandson. God appears in the form of a talking bulb and the pregnancy takes on the form of a watermelon growing under Rosa's skirt. Because the child is developing in Rosa's intestines it encumbers her metabolism: the watermelon must be cut/aborted. With God's help Rosa finally gives birth (from her leg) to a little boy who never cries. The story ends with Rosa's incarceration in a madhouse, an infanticide, and a trial in which Rosa is condemned to endless medication.
The performance is realised in the basic inventive style of fairground theatre. Marijs Boulogne treats the tricks of theatre in a childlike, lucid, but also perverse manner. A scatologic potence is hidden behind the apparent innocence of these two energetic, jolly, carefree girls. As a result of its subject - the conception and birth of the grandson of God, as well as the unforced, self-evident way in which they handle obscenity and violence, engenders a form of religiously-tinted pornography.
The name of the girl - Rosa - derives from the Saint Rosa of Lima (1586-1617), and similarly to the experiences of many female mystics from that period, religious ecstasy all too easily turns into highly sexually charged delirium. The sacral and blasphemous go hand in hand. As with Boulogne's later projects, Endless Medication is dominated by a radical, female corporality with particular focus on the interior of the body. Rather than the breasts or the belly she is interested in the cunt and the intestines, shit, menstruation and bodily fluids in general. The disorder that Rosa's pregnancy causes her body finds its antithesis in the chaos, filth and dirt left behind on the stage at the end of the performance. At the same time this work can also be seen within the context of Flemish historical sensibilities re the grotesque, the macabre and the vital.
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(photo by Nada Zgank)
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