On the 24th April 1893 a group of gentleman gathered for a meeting at the Essendon Cricket, Bowls and Tennis Club for the purpose of forming a baseball club. A club that would be one of Australia’s first. A club that would grow into one of Australia’s most successful, continually running sporting clubs. These men laid the foundations for what is now one of the world’s oldest Baseball clubs,
The very game of baseball was first played in the United States just 47 years earlier so the historical significance of a Club being 114 years old really hits home.
These 114 years have seen the world undergo massive changes, but one constant in this continually changing environment has been the Essendon Baseball Club.
The club now boasts 4 men’s senior teams, 8 junior teams and an inter club T ball program.
One record that the Club prides itself on, is that it has started every one of its 114 years in the 1st Grade / Division 1 of the relevant competition the only club in Australia to claim such a record. This provides evidence to the clubs continual prowess.
Another fact that separates Essendon from the pack is that in this time of high priced imports and players switching Clubs for cash inducements, the only people to receive remuneration at Essendon are the coaching staff, and even then the payments made, barely cover expenses. The fact that so many of our senior players turn down attractive cash inducements from opposition sides, speaks volumes for the spirit and camaraderie that presently and always has existed here at Essendon.
One hundred and fourteen years of Essendon Baseball - a period that has seen literally thousands of people come and go through the Club. A Club that has touched the lives of many people and provided a wonderful environment for families and friends to enjoy the greatest game on earth.