Writing, reading, playing music with friends, watching movies, going to movies alone, learning new things, spending time with friends, etc.
Neutral Milk Hotel, Will Oldham, My Bloody Valentine, Gossip, Elliott Smith, Joy Division, Skip James, Delta 5, Magnetic Fields, Otis Redding, S-K, blah blah--who cares?
American Movie, Bottle Rocket, 8 1/2, Rear Window, Chungking Express, In the Mood For Love, Spinal Tap, Ghost World, Brazil. Movies by: Woody Allen, Wes Anderson, Hitchcock, Terry Gilliam, PT Anderson, David Lynch, Fellini, Wong Kar Wai, Richard Linklater, Vincent Gallo, Cassavettes
The Office, Freaks and Geeks, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Lost, Twin Peaks, The Simpsons, Home Movies, Twilight Zone
Daniel Clowes, Raymond Carver, Haruki Murakami, Gary Lutz, Sam Lipsyte, Sheila Heti, Diane Williams, Adrian Tomine, Charles Burns, Isaac Babel, Bruno Schultz, Graham Greene, Lorrie Moore, Barry Hannah, Flannery O'Connor, Denis Johnson, Robert Coover, Amy Hempel, Aimee Bender, Hemingway, Raymond Chandler, George Saunders, Dorothy Parker, Jonathan Ames, Terry Southern, etc. I also like essays, books about film, and books about music (I'm working my way through the 33 1/3 series). And I'm always interested in good comics.