I'm not exactly sure what i'm interested in. Watching movies with friends, watching movies online, doing nothing, doing whatever, typing to friends, or thinking/discussing about philosophical/psychological concepts, and rubik's cubing! :D
Depends on who is asking. Take a wild guess; it's no specific person, just a person with a specific frame of mind and disposition. Could be 1 in a million, or 1 in 5. Who knows.
L'arc en Ciel, UVERworld, Eagles, The Nightmare Before Christmas, High and Mighty Color, Nightmare, Aqua Times, Orange Range, Sambomaster, YUI, and many others.
Robin Hood Men in Tights, Airplane!, AirplaneII, Princess Bride, The Court Jester, Kung Pow, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Matrix, Riddick Trilogy, Starwars, V for Vendetta, The Great Race, The Pink Panther [the older one], etc.
The Twilight Zone is soooooooooooooooooooooooo cool (the old version).
A Wizard of Earth Sea, The Golden Compass, The Prince, The Metamaphosies, The Green knight, anything by Edgar Allen Poe, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, etc.
Not applicable. (I don't really believe in glorifying others or modeling someone after another)