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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi, thanks for having an intrest in me and taking the time to read this. I was born at a young age. I have a birthday coming up in the next year. I love lots of people. I hit things with sticks and serve for a living..... Wait a sec... Now I live in Hawai'i. I am slowly understanding why I have been called to this beautiful, amazing and healing place. I used to be in a bunch of bands when I lived in Minneapolis... toured and recorded alot. Now I am in a bunch of bands here in Honolulu... I still play about 2 to 3 nights a week... now I am just not touring a whole lot... Soon... Soon... I have a feeling L.A. will be next. Maybe in a year or so... I am too in love with this place to leave right now. Taking a break for right now. Needed a little time off... Actually I am learning how not to pee on my bass players sweater (God I hope you read this one day Brett). So, here I am in Hawai'i where it is always 85 and sunny. Weird huh? I have a whole lot of detail regarding me.... if you want to know anything about anything... just ask me! Better yet, forget about me, please tell me about you!!!!

My Interests

Keeping this very simple: Music. Art. Spirituality stuff. Spending time with my friends. Telling my friends why I consider them friends. Telling my Dad I love him. Calling my grand parents. (I never thought that I would say any of these next items and actually have them be intrests... but they are and I have so much graditude for them today) -Hiking -Running -Eating well -Surfing (kinda... I think I just say that to fit in here in Hawaii) -Yoga (My Mom is a Yoga instructor...I always tell people that because I like to brag about Mom!) -Prayer -Meditation -Being of use to others.

I'd like to meet:

Well, I would actually just like to talk to all of the good friends that I already know who are on myspace, but if for some strange reason I meet some other people.....well that would just be neato.


Music... boy I have been putting this off for a while now... And it looks like a little while longer!!! Why is that. The one thing that I love more than anything ever and I don't want to share that??? OK soon, I swear!!! OK wait Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Bad Plus, Happy Apple, Radio Head, Spearhead, Ani Difranco, Bilal, D'Angelo, Soooo much!!!! I love music!!! I'll list much much more someday. Sometimes I just hate playing the "I was into them before you" game by naming everything I like... ????? I play and make music as my livelyhood... I find it intresting that I don't want to just start listing everything that I love... maybe it is because (why am I typing this in my Myspace profile?) I have a strong desire to surrender my ego.... and so much of my ego is tied up in music???? Anywho....


I am not really a big fan of filling all of this stuff out all at once.... Ya know what??? I did just see Brokeback Mountian last night and I loved it!!! (will be updated soon) actually it most likely wont be....


Is the Devil....and it has me in its grip!!! Dam you TV Dam you!!! Family Guy, Heros and lost.... oh how I those shows.... (I also have a dirty little secret....infact I don't want to share this at all... but there is no sense in hiding... I am a sports fan. I like to watch them. I like to get excited when my team is winning. I like to watch sports center. I even like to listen to sports radio..... see, I just think that because I am music guy and art guy and spiritual guy and all of that... that some how it is not ok for me to like sports????? Welcome to my brain :) )


Fiction is a struggle for me to read. I tend to sway more towards the spiriatul: Here is a small selection of books that have moved me, inspired me to be a better human being: - Alcoholics Anonymous -Conversations with God -How to know God -Eat Pray Love -12 and 12 -Illusions of a reluctant Masiah


1. My Mom... Please ask me why! 2. Dave King 3. Topher 4. Anyone who has or is trying to beat an addiction! 5. My stepfather 6. Anyone who has set them selves on fire in protest. 7. Children because they have no fear. 8. My future wife whom I may or may not have met.