James profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

You're mature and get the job done. You are a natural born leader, and normally want to be the better of the group. You take your job seriously. You must! It may NOT be a game. When you select a sport, or something you want to do, you train continueously, constantly trying to perfect it. You're always prepared for a challenge, and are normally found one step ahead of your enemies. Loving family more than life itself, you are a good friend, and can be depended on at all times.

My Interests

Working out (bodybuilding, powerlifting, swimming, yoga, pilaties, football, basketball, baseball, bowling, tennis, raquet ball, golf) movies, video games, camping, traveling, trying new things, meeting new people, going downtown

I'd like to meet:

Lance Armstrong, Jackie Chan, Jet Lee, Al Pacino, Kevin Spacey, Bruce Willis, Steve Carrell


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40 year old virgin, American Pies, Airplane, American History X, Boiler Room, Bad Boys, Blazing Saddles, Dazed and Confuzed, Fight Club, Top Secret, Gladiator, Goonies, Good Will Hunting, Jackass the movie, Willow, Space Balls, MallRats, Real Genius, Wierd Science, Animal House, Clerks, The Girl Next Door, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Sin City, Ong-Bak, The Longest Yard, Mean Girls, Im Gonna Git Ya Sucka, Breakfast Club, Usual Suspects, From Dusk Till Dawn, Harry Potter, Forest Gump, Kill Bill, Blow, Garden State, Once Upon A Time in Mexico, Mystic River, Full Metal Jacket, Ray, Man on Fire, Radio, The Italian Job, The Last Samurai, Wedding Crashers, Lord of the Rings, Matrix, The Negotiator, Office Space, Oceans Eleven, Predator, One Hour Photo, Snatch, Seven, Scary Movie, Spiderman, Swordfish, Somthing about Mary, Tommy Boy, Unbreakable, True Lies, Happy Gilmore, Unleased


Family Guy, The Simpsons, Chappelle Show, In Living Color, The Drew Carey Show, Blue Collar TV, Prison Break, Scrubs, That 70s Show, Fear Factor, CSI, Scrubs, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, American Dad, Distraction, Friends, ER, House


My mother, Uncle Dan, and Great Grandmother Jenny