. profile picture


one person can make a difference, but most of them shouldn't. - marge simpson

About Me


My Interests

art and music.


I'd like to meet:

into the fall.
that's my guitarist

tidbits of information :

i am probably hard to get along with.
that's okay with me.
i would always rather stay at home.
i'm not as bitchy as i seem, and my intentions aren't as ill-willed as they can come out.
i swear a lot.
i smoke a lot.
i have terrible morning breath.
i clean my house all the effin time.
i collect action figures.
my mom is the best person i know.
my dad's the most annoying person i know.
i am terrible at sports and instruments.
but i can draw anything
i gave up art school.
i'm too cool for college. hah.
i am fiercely territorial.
but im fiercely protective.
if you talk bad about frank, i'll kill you before he does.
i dont care if i am ever financially stable.
i just want two babies with weird names and a clean house.
i greatly dislike animals.
i get a big hardon for artsy or violent films.
and movie memorabilia.
i'm not ashamed to admit i wouldnt take a bullet for a lot of people i know.
but i'd take one for the two men i live with.
i'm done trying to be impressive/ likeable/ of the life of the party.
give me frank, a movie, and a few beers anyday.
i dont care if i have 'uncool' hobbies, like playing the sims.
i don't like ice cream, french fries, candy, or most american food.
but i do eat alot.
i thoroughly enjoy my job.
i don't care if my tattoos make no sense.
i don't care that i'm not living my dream right now/
i want to live by the ocean with a room full of books.
the weirder you are, the more i will love you.
to go along with that, frank's the weirdest person i know.
i dont get along with girls.
but i get along with jenn.
i like all music. and im not ashamed of the music frank makes fun of me for.

like lily allen, deathcab, john mayer, and heart.
if life amounts to nothing by my mid 30's, i'm going on a cross country bank robbing spree.
and dying in a hail of bullets.
while skynard plays
i hate clothes.
nothing on my body cracks.
i have a wide collection of nerdy books.
like the "ampire encyclopedia" or " the hidden meanings of narnia."
sometimes i wish i had no ties here in ohio, and frank and i could just be vagrant and travel a lot.
but first we would need money.
mushrooms and onions are terrifying.
make fun all you want. but i am obsessed with harry potter.
and i cannot wait for this:

dance hall hips.
pretentious quips.
a boxer's bob and weave.

"and mediocraty held sway."

ryden is love.

my best.
been there the longest. and i can still stand her.

cheer us on to our white horses.
with you blood still warm on the ground. i swear to the stars i'll burn this whole city down.

favorite comments:

maybe youwill be in here. maybe not.


i'm not even going to try to list everything i listen to.

Into the Fall
Autumn Remains


zombie films.


prefer not to watch it.



without these two i'd suck
julie geralyn dean
frank kent robertson

they are beautiful.

My Blog

150 front avenue zombie attack plan

After obsessing over Max Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide. I have organized a rough draft of our gameplan A. Preparation Every zombie attack had warning signs. While watching for these outbreak signs we ...
Posted by I put the irate in pirate. on Fri, 18 May 2007 12:11:00 PST

adventures at the zoo.

so me, frank, justin, and dave woke up yesterday and on a whim went to the majestic cleveland metroparks zoo. we were very excited: on the way, we saw this guy: we think he was hiking to everest...
Posted by I put the irate in pirate. on Thu, 10 May 2007 12:59:00 PST


so in case you havent heard darling frank and i are moving a whole two blocks down to a house on front avenue with the b.a. known as dave barnhart. i think some people feel a little iffy abo...
Posted by I put the irate in pirate. on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 07:06:00 PST

jalapeno pizza and christ

so last night i drove around aimlessly and ended up getting jalapeno pizza, kidnapping sheila, going to sean's going away party, ending up at scotts house and by fate finding clockwork orange to final...
Posted by I put the irate in pirate. on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 12:03:00 PST

AHHH life.

so yet again i have made a decision that everyone is going to think is crayz and worthless. but let's start at the beginning. this past year i have made more life changing decisions then i can count. ...
Posted by I put the irate in pirate. on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 12:38:00 PST

I don't normally write these without pictures. . . .

. . but i had to write this one. i feel compelled to share. ewww. donley made a list. here is mine. i have learned these things in 48 hours. a. im poor but happy. one day i will make money and be secu...
Posted by I put the irate in pirate. on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 07:24:00 PST

ben and scott's party.

i didn't get to take too many pictures. because later on....my camera fell in the toilet. now it's forever lost. haha. but here are the few that made it: me and jasmineakron: katy and nikki: and the...
Posted by I put the irate in pirate. on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 11:33:00 PST

tequila saturday

so me and ben played beer pong. then josh prepared for us and had some intimidation techniques up his sleeve. they were working so i made ben laugh to raise team morale. and then i im...
Posted by I put the irate in pirate. on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 04:42:00 PST

mnbp @ the rock house

me and some alright people: the aftermath of the epic battle between my neck and sheila's mouth, and then vise versa: nick did not look gangsta, he looked terrorist: some dancing: and ca...
Posted by I put the irate in pirate. on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 08:28:00 PST

pictures from the robinhood inn show and a four am photoshoot

pictures of into the fall performing, sorry some of em are such crap!: some random pictures of me, christie, and katy: carl and christie: justin and carl snuggling by the fireside: and f...
Posted by I put the irate in pirate. on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 04:10:00 PST