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I am here for Friends

About Me

i don't smoke cigarettes. i drink occasionally. i drive a yellow VW beetle. V-DUB BITCH! bahahaha. i am possibly far more confident than i have any right to be. some call it cocky. i have high expectations of myself and others. i make myself happy, anything else is just icing on the cake. DEATH TO SLUTS. i like to spoil myself and those who i love. i recently finished school to become and EMT-Basic. i love myself. i love my body. i love my life.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

hmmm. my guy requirements are as follows: must be taller than me (preferably over 6feet tall), must be kinda on the thick side, must own a running (non embarrassing) vehicle and have insurance on said vehicle and enough $ to put gas in it, must have a valid driver's license, must be attractive to me and attracted to me, must be confident and borderline cocky, must have an great attitude, can totally be a dick as long as it's not to me, must be willing to try almost anything once, must have a job and make at least as much money as me, must have the ability to save money, having his own place to live is a plus, must like to go out once in a while, must be drama free, must be unmarried, must not be a convict. must either want children or already have one who i could love. must want to get married at some point in his life. kinda high expectations according to some, but i've put up with enough bullshit to know what i want.

My Blog

this is how i feel now.

everything just feels so final. like something good has suddenly come to an end without warning. Why should I stick around When no one understands me Why should I stick around When no one really ca...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Dec 2009 20:30:00 GMT

it's amazing

i love myself first and foremost. the best feeling in the world is when someone else loves me too. i love my hair when it's all teased out and stiff with spray. eyeliner = lovewhen it comes to shoes, ...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Jul 2009 00:27:00 GMT


Some days it feels like all the colors are there, but they won't blend to form the right hue. Just when it seems like there's a shade that fits, brush touches canvas and it's all wrong. Terpentine can...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 22:01:00 GMT

Right now

Some random late-night thoughts... I drink too much coffee I like my job I make good money I like the new people i meet there I hate being talked about behind my back.. even if it's not bad I hat...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 07:56:00 GMT