Bled Dry profile picture

Bled Dry


About Me


"We are Bled Dry – and we are ready to conquer the world!"

Bled Dry was formed in 2005, with founding members Matthias Bruckner (Bass), Fabian Rottmann (Drums) and Clemes Knotzer, who played guitar back then. It didn’t take much time to notice that they would need a second guitar player. Matthias met Bernd in school and he was willing to join the band on their path of destruction. We started playing covers but we soon realised that we need to write our own stuff. Bernd took the role as the main songwriter at that time with coming up with 10 ideas for songs in only 7 days. Some of them were brought to life but we were missing one of the most important tools to create a unique sound – a roaring, screaming and growling vocalist. Again it was Matthias who approached Michael Brugger and asked him to join us. He was in an other band but he was willing to try it. And we are glad that he is still with us because he is a genius in what he’s doing. At that time we went into a studio twice and recorded the songs “The Reaper” and “Carnage”. They got lost on the way because Bernd was constantly creating new and better songs. And with creating better songs he was going for more complicated and technical stuff. The music got too complicated for Clemens and due to that and due to some personal reasons he left the band. Bernd filled the gap he left completely alone and we still don’t need a second guitar player. With the amount of songs growing and the urge to conquer the world growing, we decided to go into the studio again – but now to record more songs and to show them to the world and to release them as a full length studio album in Fall. So keep your eyes open for our album “ICONOCLASTS”!


Bled Dry - The Band

Bled Dry playing "The Fields of the Rotten" live @ WOODROCK 2008:

Bled Dry recording "Harvesting the Seeds of Sorrow":

Check our other pages aswell!!

Our german Blog
Our profile at Hollywoodmusic
Our profile at PureVolume

My Interests


Member Since: 7/25/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
Influences: Slayer, old Metallica, Cannibal Corpse, Cradle of Filth, Pantera

but basically we are our own style and you won't really recognise any of these artists in our music

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New pics, new videos

Hey metalheads!I posted some new pics of us playing live!Please check them out and leave some comments ;)I also posted some new videos on our youtube account:CLICK ME!!!Have fun and metal up your fuck...
Posted by Bled Dry on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 05:59:00 PST


Das erste Review unseres 2007er Demos ist jetzt online auf Austrian Heavy Music! Bitte: 16 Feb 2008, 00:00 ..> ..>   Demo Review "BLED DRY" Ab und zu soll es ja vorkommen, dass Bands gegen ...
Posted by Bled Dry on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 01:13:00 PST

Zsentient MetalCast Radio

Our song "The Fields Of The Rotten" is featured on the Zsentient BrutalCast on the Zsentient Metal Cast Radio! It'd be great if you'd check this out!  gree...
Posted by Bled Dry on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 01:40:00 PST


Das Interview, dass wir am 10.12.07 in der Metallfabrik(Metal Radio Salzburg) gegeben haben ist jetzt online, zusammen mit Fotos aus dem Studio und einer Demo-Verlosung!!!!!! http://www.metallfabrik.n...
Posted by Bled Dry on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 08:26:00 PST


vote for us as the band of the month on! it'd be a great opportunity for us to show the world...or at least autria^^  what we've got and how great our fans and friend...
Posted by Bled Dry on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 02:19:00 PST


..> Metallfabrik nicht verpassen!BLED DRY werden am 10. Dezember in der Metallfabrik( Metal-Radio Salzburg) zu hören sein, also fleißg zuhören! ^^'t miss this!On dec...
Posted by Bled Dry on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 09:11:00 PST