Birthday Girl... so you best relize I am the queen profile picture

Birthday Girl... so you best relize I am the queen

Put me on the counter in the kitchen Now baby pour my body with some ice cream Lick me from head to

About Me

My name is
... I am a heart felt romantic... I love writing poems... listening to music... Goin to the club... and of course flirtin with the boys... And kickin it with my friends is the best past time. If you wanna chat my aim is xpunkrock1069x...NEVER FORGET ROCK OUT WITH YOUR COCK OUT!The People That We Miss by: M.D.R.The people that we miss r the closer ones to us in our lives, but they will never be forgotten. They will be watchin un from a better place and will be there to help us with the bad times cuz u can sit there and talk to them. Sometimes they will answer ur prayers, but sometimes they wont. You never know though what can happen in Life!
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My Interests

My interests consist of Poetry, music, the wiccan religion, being rebellious, and at one point in time being sweet and innocent... but screw that

I'd like to meet:

Shakespeire... and Edgar Allen Poe... and anyone that can fucking play guiter.Take the quiz:
Your Psych-Ward diagnosis

Antisocial Personality Disorder
Diagnosis: AntiSocial Personality Disorder, marked by the following: Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviours as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest. Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead, Irritability and aggressiveness, Reckless, Consistent irresponsibility, Lack or remorse, Indifference.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Stephanie was caught having sex!

In the middle of the act, caught in the throes of passion in jail ... you've been caught by your dad!

'Where Will You be Caught Having Sex?' at


Hard Rock....... I also like some Classical Music


Edward ScissorHands Kicks Azz ..... Another Realy good Movie is Donnie Darko, if you have time watch it .......


If you are looking for a good book just look for any of Anne Rice's collections and if you really would like an insight to god and sex at the same time get a book titled The Surrender ... this book will help open your eyes!

My Blog

I want to be happy knowing he is happy!

Alright so my life keeps biting me in the ass... I have went from being shy and sweet to being called a SLUT! My own friends keep telling me I am a slut... and to be truthfull I don't see it , but may...
Posted by Birthday Girl... so you best relize I am the queen on Fri, 04 May 2007 03:19:00 PST

This is a dedication to a kick butt guy!

For all of you that went to prom and met Dan Hunter  (Brandi Quimby's date) you know he was HOT and an awsome dude. So I am going to ask that you dedicate something you do today to him... a drink...
Posted by Birthday Girl... so you best relize I am the queen on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 12:17:00 PST

The world is confusing!

Alright so I hater tryin to understand people... my best friend is a lier ... I thought I could trust her and that was a definent NO... and on top of that she along with like several of my friends are...
Posted by Birthday Girl... so you best relize I am the queen on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 03:04:00 PST


I can't stand cheaters.... they take you along on a ride like you are the only one in their live ... and then you find out about their other... Why they don't answer their phone when they are with you...
Posted by Birthday Girl... so you best relize I am the queen on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 07:01:00 PST