I spent my years immediately after highschool in college, racking up 12 years total. I have degrees in Education, Geography, and Information Systems. My resume includes several years teaching elementary, middle school, and college; retail management and sales.I have also worked as an English As A Second Language Instructor and GED counselor in the prison system.
Walt Whitman once wrote, "Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself,(I am large, I contain multitudes.)". Despite my (sometimes) nerdiness, I usually don't go around quoting old Walt Whitman. To this date, however, this statement pretty much sums up what I'm all about. I have been called, by some, a walking, talking contradiction, but the truth is, I have many interests and goals. I am not one-dimensional. I crave self-improvement and growth professionally, physically, and spiritually. I can never see myself as content with where I am. That's not to say that I am not grateful for all that I have and what I've accomplished. I am very appreciative and proud. It's just that my desire for growth and evolution keeps me active and fulfilled. I dream in color and am very GOAL ORIENTED. I believe that HAPPINESS is having something to look forward to.
I carry around with me a 20 year plan, listing professional and personal goals. I review it frequently to recharge myself as needed. I also possess a list of things I will do if I ever win the lottery - How funny is that?
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