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Fish Heads. Fish Heads. Rollie Pollie Fish Heads. Eat Them Up Yum.

My Interests


Leviathan, Diamanda Galas, Dead Can Dance, Earthless, Funeral Mist, Deathspell Omega, Enslaved, Bastard, Lip Cream, Sword Heaven, Psychic Paramount


Holy Mountain, Koyannisqasti, the Big Lebowski, Matrix trilogy, Existenz, Altered States, Raising Arizona, RAD: Helltrack


An Anthropolgist on Mars, VALIS, Terra Antartica, Futurological Congress, Lords of Chaos, Simon and Schuster's Guide to Rocks & Minerals


My Blog

San Fran Record Scores!!!

So I went record shopping this past weekend in SF while out here for work. I hit up Amoeba on Haight as well as the shop in Berkeley and Rasputin and Aquarius! HUGE score for killer records; Root - D...
Posted by alex on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 10:34:00 PST