i LikE a Lil biT oF eVerYthiNg. I'm A ecLectIc whAt cAn i sAy **tRy eVerYthiNg twIce Just tOo mAke sUre yOu Like**...bUt tHere iS a sLighT cuRve iN rAre cAseS
chEcK iT ouT....
J.veGa **ahEem** i wiLl bE intErvieWing s0me oF yoUr faVoriTe baNds **gigGles** rigHt heRe iN thE aTl fOr StoNe coLd Tv
a Ska bAnd frOm haWaii, PepPer, DirTy roCkeRs *whIch I juSt caN't seEm tO geT enOugh oF* wHo loVe tO paRty, liCk tasTefuL thiNgs, and BreaK thE rUles, iS a Must hAve iN yoUr coLlectIon!!wiTh maNy oF thE traCks prOduced By NiCk HexUm "nO sHame" iS a 15 soNg 3 skIt alBum tHat deFiniTely pUts yOu iN tHe moOd to liGht uP aND kIck baCk *whOs goT the...yoU geT tHe iDea* ThEy aRe curRently fiNishiNg uP a tOur iN the Us beFore thEy heaD overSeas aNd wiLl back thiS SumMer oN tHe VaNs wArp TouR. aS for moRe inSigHt oN hOw tHe boYs Are, thE inTerView spEaks For iTSELf
J.VegA @ tHE rOxy wiTh "pePpeR"
Service with a smile
blOckBuStEr mOviE oF cHoiCe "avEngErs"
reCenTLy sTarTeD wAtcHinG iNdEpEndEnt fIlms, I loVe On deMaNd fOr tHat, mY fAvoRite oNE rIghT nOw is "bOmB tHe sYsTem"
lAst moViE iN tHe TheAtEr "Smoking Aces"
A lil edUmaCati0n f0r youR miNd...
**A STAR IS BORN: VeGa iS a bRighT bLue stAr 25 liGht yEarS aWay. veGa iS tHe bRigHtest sTar iN thE suMmeR TriaNgle, A gr0up oF stArs eaSily VisIble suMmeR eVeniNgs iN tHe n0rtHern HemiSpherE. ThE naMe VeGa deRivEs fr0m ArAbic orIginS, aNd mEanS "st0ne Eagle." 4,000 yEaRs aGo, hoWeveR, vegA wAs kn0wn bY somE aS "Ma'at" - oNe exAMple oF anCieNt hUman AstRonomiCal kn0wLedge aNd lAnguaGe. 14,000 yeArs aGo, VEga, noT PolaRis, waS thE n0rTh sTar. VegA iS tHe fiFTh bRiGhteSt sTaR iN tHe niGht sKy, aNd hAs a dIameTer alm0st thRee TiMes thAt oF oUR Sun. LiFe bEariNg pLaneTs, riCh iN liquID waTer, c0uLd p0SsibLy eXist aRouNd VegA.
VeGa's liFe tiMe iS oNly 0ne bIllioN yeArs, A teNth 0f oUR SuN's. vEga'S cUrreNt aGe iS beTweEn 200 aNd 500 miLlion yeArs. veGa Is twiCe aS maSsiVe as 0uR Sun aND buRns aT fIftY tiMes The p0weR.
a target="_BLANK" href="http://www.rockyou.com?type=slideshow&refid=439561
"tHe vEgA cHrOnicLes I, II, III"
s0MetiMes matTers caLl foR oNe oF thEse