Christmas profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

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About Me

I was born in Cincinatti, Ohio, but have been living in Atlanta for the entirety of my short life. I have 3 brothers, Ryan , Randy , and Michael (RIP 9/11/04). I have fewer friends these days than when I did in high school, but these friends are more loyal and trustworthy. Four of my children were aborted (the fifth was a miscarriage). I am an artist , musician, rapper, writer, poet , athlete, hacker, pothead, smoker , alcoholic, drug addict , leader, ladies-man , etc... I'm a serious person. Having fun is not my main priority. Money , fame , influence , and power are my ultimate objectives in life. I am not trying to get dragged down in boring or incompatible relationships, this applies to lovers and friends. I do not like nagging and nitpicking. Don't criticize me, because I do not want your opinion unless I specifically ask for it. I do not like negativity, bad attitudes, or drama. I do not like being told (or suggested) what to do, I'm independent and dislike authority (unless of course, I'm the one in charge). I have a variety of interests, and there's no particular label you could place on me (nerd, jock , prep, etc) - I'm an amalgamation of all different stereotypes. I'm a spender, not a saver. I am generous when it comes to giving- but other than that I am selfish and conceited. I honestly believe that I'm superior to the majority of the human populace, and I'm not afraid to admit it. I have an alter-ego. My extraordinary intelligence is usually used in nefarious ways, I have what they call a criminal mind- if there's a loophole or backdoor, I will exploit it. I'm open-minded, thanks to psychedelics... and no possibility is too far-fetched to be entertained. I'm an avid fan of conspiracy theories . This is probably due to my paranoia, because I am constantly in fear of being betrayed and suspect people of harboring ulterior motives. I consider myself an Atheist/Christian, but I'm not your cookie-cutter bible thumper. My faith is a unique interpretation of various theological principles. I'm confrontational, outspoken, and aggressive - I intimidate people, men fear me and women admire me. Overall, my entire personality could be summed up by the MBTI (Myers Briggs Typological Indicator) - I am an INTJ .

Reasons why so many words on my profile are clickable..

Here are the reasons why my profile is organized like this:

1. With the conception of this profile I have aimed at acheiving a " minimalist " design. - i.e. creating more w/ less. The absence of flashy images and superfluous nonsense helps to create a more efficient browsing atmosphere. What you see on my profile is your decision.

2. I might link words with images, blogs, other people's profiles , and basically anything else I find relevant or that I want you to look at.

3. I might use it to help demonstrate a point or to cite a source.

4. Many of my blogs/content will not be accessible from the profile's main page. You'll find that most of my content is linked within other blogs.

The classic quote that most fits the theme of my profile is this:

"Seek and ye shall find."


Name :: Christopher Kyle Smith
Age :: Young
Alias :: 'Christmas' or 'Kilay'
Body :: 6'1"/177 lbs- All muscle
Status :: Polyamorous Sperm Donor
Here for :: Friends / Networking
Orientation :: Straight
Religion :: Christian
Zodiac sign :: Capricorn
Birthday :: Saturday- 12/28/85
Payday :: Everyday
Birthtown :: Hamilton, OH
Hometown :: Atlanta/Decatur, GA- East Side/Zone 6
Ethnicity :: Cracker
Occupation :: Landscaping
Day Off :: Sundays


Music :: Click here for a list of my Music .

Books :: Click here for a list of my Books .

Movies :: Click here for a list of my Movies .

Television :: Click here to read my rant about Television


WYHT :: go to this link for more pictures of me.
Wikipedia :: Go enlighten yourself

:: View All

Before leaving a comment...

Please avoid typical comments, i.e. "Thanks for the add", "wut'z up?!", “ How do u make a profile?”, sexy trains, trucks, any type of ASCII art will most likely be declined. Also, HTML in main profile comments is forbidden.


If you find that any of the links on my profile are broken, unclickable, or lead to the wrong place, please send me a message ASAP! Thanks.

Best viewed in Firefox

My Blog


Posted by Christmas on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:38:00 PST


Posted by Christmas on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 11:41:00 PST

Kilay Ass Signs

I am a pimp, enjoy. =)...
Posted by Christmas on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:57:00 PST


I am a drug user. Let's just go ahead and get that one out there. I don't know what it is... but I think I was just born w/ that addictive psychological complex. Who knows but here's my handy little t...
Posted by Christmas on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:43:00 PST


First off, I consider poetry and rap two different things.Rap is sang over a beat, poetry is read aloud or in the mind.The following screenshots are examples of poetry written to me, from a very beaut...
Posted by Christmas on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:41:00 PST


I do a variety of digital art as well. In fact, I'm probably better doing digital art than plain pencil and paper. So I sometimes ask myself if I really do have any talent. I love to draw and design i...
Posted by Christmas on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:38:00 PST


If your question starts with "How...?" it is probably followed by " I?" or " you?". If that is the case, then you need to read the following before asking me such a question. I am a strong...
Posted by Christmas on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:26:00 PST


Have you ever noticed someone addicted to the television ? They just stare at it for hours and hours, eat their food, perform basic bathroom duties, and if you try to talk to them... they go "Huh..." ...
Posted by Christmas on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 05:46:00 PST


A Clockwork Orange, 2001: A Space Oddysee, A Ghost in the Shell, Ninja Scroll, Enter the Dragon, Memento, They Live, American Beauty, American History X, Donnie Darko, Paycheck, Fear and Loathing in L...
Posted by Christmas on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 05:14:00 PST


A Scanner Darkly, 1984, Da Vinci Code, Robin Hood, King Arthur,the Wheel of Time series, the Dragonlance series, Dreamcatcher, PetSemetary, Contact, LOTR series, War and Peace, I Robot, Robots and Emp...
Posted by Christmas on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 05:10:00 PST