networking and friends
local people in san diego area for fun and friends, clientel or whatever. i'd love to sit and talk with bjork and i think everyone has at least one good quality. I love to meet new people that are down to earth or up in the stars so i guess i'd like to really meet anyoneI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.1
anything with groove i got too much to list so if u wanna talk music enlighten me and i'll enlighten you........WELL OF WISHINGI walk through the forest I see flowers sprout from the trees, like thoughts on the highway of never-ending belief. I know not what to do… except to just be. The mist of what’s binding, is all that does lead me. Some have said comfort is never being, But what the trees have taught me with their leaves falling is……shhhh…shhh I promised not to tell ….shhhh...shhh but they did to so o well.The mist that does lead me brings me to a well, this is where they’ve done wishing and promised all not to tell. But I can’t keep this a secret can I? What to do with all this water that’s inside. It’s overflowing it cant but help me to swim. The trees they tell me this is how it begins.Some have said comfort is never being, but learning to swim in the treetops is breathtaking, oops I almost…shh….shhh I promised not to tell….shhh….shh but they did to so o wellSo let my breath turn to mist in the night, I never dreamed what it could be like being this height. Dancing with the stars on my head, and bathing in the first light. Sheltering with my own canopy, keeping secrets from the ground. Whispering with everyone without making a sound. The secret of the trees will be kept rooted and bound, so…..shh….shhh when you walk in the night and ….shhhh….shhhh you never know what you might just find…..shhh
again the more art the better!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh i hate commercials
zen and the art of motorcycle maitnence yes its good and no it will not change your life lol but read it now and read it later.
my grandfather pretty much beats all your heroes.