♥: Taking pictures, making jewelry, drinking a good wine or hot tea, being a straight girl who supports gay marriage, trying to be a good sister, laying on the ground and getting smothered with doggie kisses, Chili's Chicken Crispers (and everything else on the menu), taking care of the people I love, live music, Young and the Restless, peeling my skin off after I get sunburned, candles, sand between my toes, bright colored lipstick, Dave Grohl's smile, potstickers and srirancha chili sauce, the ocean breeze, that twinge of pleasure that comes with pain, sunsets, doing hair, Blue Moon, Planet earth, the fact that my Grandpa is cooler than yours, the crack of the ball off the bat, sex jokes, musicians that have that crazy "twitch", thrift store bargains, FM 94/9, my Daddy's eyes, Mark Wahlberg, handcuffs, reading books that change my mind, incense, vintage treasures, picking my own battles, my nephew's gummy smile, clean sheets, shang-hai rummy, adventures, having my own opinion.
A sexy boy with dreads so I can pull them.Oh! And Joanna Angel .
Zeitgeist: Federal Reserve Pt. One.
Go to Youtube for parts two through five.
A little bit of this. A little bit of that.
Green Street Hooligans, Fight Club, and The Wizard of Oz on constant loop.
The Office, Y and the R, Mega Disasters, Man VS. Wild, and Lucky Louie before they took it off. Dammit!
All Danielle Steel books, hopeless romance novels, The Left Behind Series. Anyone who has something meaninful to say.
My silly friends and my disfunctional family. They are all I need in life.