simple yet complicated. a lazy perfectionist. complainer but not desperate.
i am so wannabe Anything but Ordinary!!
i say : chicz@blogspot + i see : azrinliamsi@fotopages
simple yet complicated. a lazy perfectionist. complainer but not desperate.
i am so wannabe Anything but Ordinary!!
i say : chicz@blogspot + i see : azrinliamsi@fotopages
addicted to MUSIC. MEOW lover. gile CIKEN. craving for more CHOCs. YELLOW-kaler. COMICs freak. BAGs collector. "MANIK KARANs" maniac. MY SAYANG!. windowSHOPPING. long late night CALLS. PHOTOSHOP-ing. PSYCHOLOGY stuff. ART thingy. POYOGRAPHY. yummy FOOD. PC addict. BLOGGING! mom's ROSPIZZA. KENNYROGERS roasters. angah's TIRAMISU. freakin WEIRD yet CHUMEL stuff. STUDS & METALS. n RONGGENG bebeh~~
orang-orang yang saya sayang & sayang saya.♥
♥ kanak-kanak di sana-sini yg dirindui. *mwahks*
plus, long lost friends?
heh ZAMAN KEGEMILANGAN! kembali-lah~!!!
Mind Reader!!! so I don't have to say anything.
si Penenang dan Penerang Hati...
itu - yg enak merdu. hihi
oh, dan yang seperti♥ Carl Duke Adam ♥ Fahri Abdullah Shiddiq ♥
Lastly, a Handsome Geek nyum3
currently listening to, Hujan, Avril, Bic Runga, Groove Coverage, +44, Nelly Furtado, Justin T.
The Butterfly Effects. The Notebook. Saw 1,2,3. The Hannibal & Hannibal Rising. Turn Left Turn Right. The Lakehouse.
Ayat-ayat Cinta by Habiburrahman El Shirazy.
mamita & papito.