guitar, drum set, train stations, romantics, architecture, wide open fields, cities, long drives, poetry, stories of love in times of war, awkwardness, innocence, diners...
At least one person from every country in the world
Ryan Adams The Gaslight Anthem Tom Waits Envy
anything with Hannibal Lector, anything with Edward Norton, Fight Club, Taxi Driver, Falling Down, The Machinist, The Corporation, Punch Drunk Love, The Cruise, Brick, From Hell, Sicko, Dedication, There Will Be Blood, Shawshank Redemption, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Lost in Translation
The Outsiders, Fight Club, Choke, Love is a Dog From Hell, War All the Time, Post Office, 1984, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, anything written by Aaron Cometbus, Nobody Likes You (Green Day), The Catcher In The Rye, Franny & Zooey, Days of War, Nights of Love, The Inverted Forest, Lipstick Traces: A Secret History of the 20th Century, On The Poverty of Student Life
anyone who found a way out, they all seem to have crooked or chipped teeth