Trying to escape the evil cluches of someone who likes to cluch. Drinking. Hitting people. Sneezing on people. Eating crackers and spaghetti. Watching B Movies.
David Bowie, Freddy Mercury, JFK, Kevin Aucoin, Twiggy, Astrid K., Alien. No couples with similar hair styles/colors
!!!, The Revolting Cocks, Electric Six, TV on the Radio, The Faint, White Stripes, Stereo Total, AWK
The Creature From the Black Lagoon, Tidal Wave, Viva Las Vegas, Psycho, Rosemary's Baby, Anything Ridley Scott, 28 Days Later
I can't watch
The I Ching, The Book of Lies, Suicide Girls coffee table book
Sylvia Plath, and anyone with eleven toes.