Track Of The Month : 'Kes' by Barakas Simon Green is Bonobo (signed on Ninja Tune) / Simon Green is Barakas (signed on Tru Thoughts), and both of them (or both of him?) make great music!! Check out this track named 'Kes', definitely well wicked ^^ Also, check this other track 'Three', a DubStep creation from the man himself !!! Hope an album will come out soon, 'cause it would definitely be worth it!!! ^^
Simon Green est Bonobo (Ninja Tune) / Simon Green est Barakas (Tru thoughts), et les 2 font du pur son!! Ce track 'Kes' n'est qu'un aperçu de l'énorme talent de l'artiste, pensez aussi à checker 'Three', une création DubStep qui illustre bien l'éclectisme du Monsieur! En espérant qu'un album fasse son apparition, il risque bien de cartonner!! ^^
Previous tracks of the month :The Heavy - Coleen Brascoe - The Deep (ft Ella Jones)
Chinese Man Records - Artichaut Proof Of Concept - Always There
L'Oeuf Raide - Cello's Stripping DJ Empress - Only Love
Belleruche - Northern Girls