Mijn Schatje is Marie Blanco Hendrickx.I'm an artist living in Paris. My pictures are all made with vector art softwares but it doesn't mean that my computer is generating the pictures by itself... I'm french but half dutch and half spanish, but I can only speak french and english. I used to work as a graphic designer, AD and art consultant for some Brands and labels such as Ekler'O'Shock (France), Recordmakers (France), Sony Entertainment (France), Reebok, Biba magazine (France + China), Women management (NY), Publicis Roma (Italy), Avant Garden records (Taïwan),Fornarina (Italy)...
My limited edition giclee prints are being sold from time to time in Amsterdam (KochXBos Gallery), Paris (Arts Factory), Los Angeles (Corey Helford Gallery), Perth (Wasteland), in Portland (Compound Gallery) and soon in Italy at MondoPop Gallery (Roma) as well as in the virtual world Secondlife (Vain Inc.), check my blogs and calendar for more informations. I am NOT selling any prints directly.
You may also find my postcard sets and for sale at the Palais de Tokyo and Lazy Dog, in Paris and at KochXBos (Amsterdam).
I love my brother and sister .
My website will be online someday : www.mijnschatje.fr
My pictures are protected by international copyright laws, do not try to use them without asking me or I would voodoo-doll you badly. If you feel like publishing my work somewhere on the internet don't forget to ask then to put my credits and links.
Press:WEAR magazine (international), Jalouse (France), Elegy (France), Stirato (Roma), Un nouveau Ideal (Greece), The Coolhunter.com (International), Largeur (CH), Blackpool magazine (France),BON magazine (Sweden), BLINK (Mexico), Puls' Art, PIG magazine (Italy), Lookdebook (Spain), TASCHEN Illustration Now 2 book, Nude (UK), Exibart.it (Italy), H Magazine (Spain), Muse (Italy), CHIC Today (US), Stirato (Italy), Another Lifestyle magazine, Exibart.OnPaper (ITaly),90+10 (Argentina), Sound&Vision (Italy), Chic Today (US), Pink Attitude (ITaly)...Soon: Crackpot by DIE GESTALTEN VERLAG, The Garden of Eyecandy (Syngapour & Hong Kong), Kult (Italy), Computer Arts (HK), JOY (Germany)... I won't add you if you; mean to send me daily ugly spams about your gigs, have an ugly main picture, if you are trying to date me, if you have a vintage store profile or other commercial profiles, if you send me a "HeyA Gal, WazZup?" message (because chances are I don't know you, then I'm doing my best to write a correct english even if it's not my language and this kind of message is an insult to your intelligence).