D A N profile picture



About Me

I hope one day that I can touch my toes without cheating.
I mean what I say. laid back. caring. hapa. pensive. thankful. observant. quick. true. growing.

My Interests

Omelette Parlor, Tarascos, Chinez, Junior's, Nathans, club sandwiches, dollar movie theatre, Tivo, Digg, hold'em, cooking (knives), Kobe mixes on youtube, root beer, things from the dryer, hole punching, shoes, a quality pen, shoes, my bed, same level competition, yield signs in lieu of stop signs, anything out of the ordinary, art history, bouncy things, soft things, seeing/making people happy, designing, rain- on occasion

I'd like to meet:

Open minded people :)


Brand New, Muse, Kaki King, Kanye West, James Blunt, Joshua Radin, T H R I C E, Radiohead, AFI, Jack Johnson, Vedera, Dido, Beloved, Jimmy Eat World, James Morrison, UnderOath, Talib Kweli, Third Eye Blind, Jem, Kings of Convenience, Norah Jones, Ne-Yo


Knocked Up, Rounders, Gladiator, Garden State, Just Friends, Good Will Hunting, The Truman Show, Pursuit of Happyness, Shawshank, Office Space


O f f i c e, Smallville, Entourage, Lakers, Journeyman, Lost, Real World


F o u n t a i n h e a d, Brave New World, Tuesday's with Morrie, Atlas Shrugged, DaVinci Code


Jess, Sase, Roark, Pastor Chi