Horses and riding • racing~steeplechasing • foxhunting(w/ Cheshire..fucking rocks)•FRIENDS • music keeps me alive • driving for no particular reason• just plain having fun• taking pictures• being warm is freakin great since i am so rarely • flipflops are great•slippers&shoes• hoodies were the best thing ever invented • jeans..well i live in them, just try n change that • painting • drawing •finger isnt just for preschoolers..•showers n bubble baths make my day..• thats life
"When riding a race, as in living
one's life, sometimes you get into
an unpredicable situation, a contingency
for which it is impossbile to plan.
A spectator suddenly runs out onto
the course in front of a fence. A horse
crosses in front of you, blocking your
horses line of vision, as you approach,
at a fast pace, the largest fence on the
course. In these cases, and in many others,
the expression on the track that Pop rode
and lived by was 'take a deep seat'--get your
rear end back and deep in the saddle, and 'a
long hold'--let the reins slide through your
fingers so that if your horse starts to fall,
and his head goes down and his nose skims the
ground, you don't go flying over his head. You
lean back balancing against his mouth with your
long hold on the reins, keep him from falling,
gather him back up, and go on and win the race,
as my father did for twenty years"
- A.P. Smithwick Jr. in Racing My Father
"Ride into the last fence like its
not there, and then ride from the
last fence to the wire like your life
depends on it." -A.P. Smithwick
I listen to pretty much everything...alot of country music, i was born listenin to it n it has stuck with me..but other then that, a lot of rock too