hey there! If your a pedifile looking for a good time call 719-640-9833so... my name is Tim or Timo depending on how close to me you are. i like to do anything that isnt too normal, i fight and its my passion, i love everything about it, from being in your top physical condition to the one on one compition... im pretty decent but there is so much more room to get better and i plan on doing that for a long time. i love to go camping and all that other outdoor shit. i dont really know where im going to be in 5 years let alone 2! all i do know is that i want a certain sombody to be right beside me then and im pretty sure she will be.
i went to ike for a few years and decided i didnt really like that so i moved to colorado. and now im going to be moving to phoenix in a matter of days.
i cant sing, dance, or play an insturment. but i think i have potential to be cool one day
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