I'm mildly interested in pretty much everything.Not interested in: most vegetables, rap rock, Alabama (the state, not the band), heroin, hipsters, yo baby's momma, inventory reports, how long it took you to get to work today.Am slightly more interested in: new sushi places (CHECK), arts and crafts classes (CHECK: I'm not crafty, never will be. Don't need the classes), eyebrow shape (CHECK), giving myself homework (CHECK), GMAT (CHECK), where my car registration is (CHECK), cookies, cookies, cookies (CHECK), road trips (CHECK), hugging a redwood (CHECK).Am most interested in: soy lattes.Growing interest in CSR and Sustainable manufacturing. It's a living.
A B-school guidance counselor. Doc.I'm not limited to just those, but that's the current trend.
Mates of State, Spoon, Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, Beck, Type O, Bouncing Souls, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Misfits, Toadies, Soul Coughing, Pixies, Pavement, Modest Mouse, and most recently *tada* Sisters of Mercy.
I always want to watch movies like "Teenage Cannibals from Hell," or "Faces of Death: Your Mother's Revenge," or "I Ate Your Guts and Will Swallow Your Soul." But I cannot deny that "Bridget Jones' Diary" is in my top five movies--ooh Mark Darcy--along with "Spirited Away" and "Suspiria."
The same shit everyone else watches. That, and whatever PS2 game the BF or roomies are playing. I'm a backseat gamer.
Green to Gold, Wuthering Heights, Be Here Now, Cat's Cradle, The Complete Collection of the Far Side, The Complete Collection of Calvin and Hobbes, The Complete Collection of Fox Trot.
Kathleen Turner