About Me
Coral Reef is an A+ Magnet School, where the academies give alot of opportunity. There is Legal and Public Affairs, Leisure Medicine & Health SCience, Agriscience & Engineering Technology, Visual & Performing Arts, Business & Finance, and last but not least International Baccalaureate. As yo can see there is a wide variety for you to select form._______________________________________________________
________Below are some upcoming important events!
Student I.D. Badges Mandatory
All students remember to wear your Student I.D. Badges at all times. It is mandatory that you wear it everyday to school. Replacement I.D's can be purchased at the treasure's window before school, during lunch, or after school.
Saturday FCAT Tutoring
FCAT Tutoring will be available every Saturday from 9:00 am - 11:45 am
FCAT Reading & Math Retake
FCAT Math retake will be administered on September 26th. FCAT Reading will be administered on September 27th. (more...)
Free & required for all 10th & 11th graders. 9th graders must register during lunch in the main office from September 19th - September 21st.
Argiscience & Engineering Meeting
Agriscience & Engineering Booster Meeting, Oct. 5, 7:00 PM, Media Center, Topic: Grade Point Average, Community Service Project.
Legal and Public Affairs Parent Booster Club
Legal and Public Affairs Parent Booster club will be hosting the Spaghetti Dinner at Open House on Monday, September 26th beginning at 5:00 PM.
PTSA Book Drive
Donate your gently used book to kids who don't have books (more...)
Open House
Open House will be held on Monday September 26 @ CRHS (more...)
September 26, 2005
Open House @ Coral Reef High (more...)October 4, 2005
Teacher Work Day - No SchoolOctober 6, 2005
Ending of the 1st Grading PeriodOctober 7, 2005
Teacher Work Day - No SchoolOctober 10, 2005
Christopher Columbus Day - No SchoolOctober 11, 2005
Beginning of 2nd Grading PeriodOctober 13, 2005
Teacher Work Day - No SchoolNovember 11, 2005
Veterans Day - No SchoolNovember 17, 2005
Secondary Early Release DayNovember 24, 2005
Thanksgiving Day - No School
Id list the football games but theres too many!
Tryouts for Varsity soccer for girls will be held October 10th. If you havent gone to the meetings you can get help at room 57. Be sure to have turned in your physical form, your insurance papers, and a copy of your birth certificate. For new on other sports or boys soccer send me a message and ill look it up for you and get bak to you as soon as possible!___________________________________________________
_________For any more info please contact coral reef senior high
This profile was not made by coral reef but by a student
Thank you for visiting!