Sho profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Well the name's Sho Komori. I'm a half japanese guy who loves having many friends. I'm a part time TV personality. I was once part of the first 250 Star Circle National teen Questors of the reality show SCQ of course. I'm also a tenor in our school choir which is the Ramon Magsaysay (Cubao) High School Concert Choir. I love watching movies specially scary and gory ones hehehe..I love music because singin's what I do most of the time. When it comes to hangouts I love malling and I love the nightlife..watching stand-up bands..partying all night...whatta life!! The internet is my source of happiness most of the time because when I'm depressed I'll just keep on messin' around the net, surfin upcoming movies on my favorite website and visitin' my friendster & myspace account to view some of my friends profile. That's me I guess. In my sixteen years here on earth I've learned a lot of things and I'm here to learn more. God Bless yah peepz out there! MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

mUsiC, EnTeRtAiNmEnt, InTeRnEt aNd MoRe

I'd like to meet:

I'm NoT ReALLy LoOkInG fOr SoMeOne SpEcIfIc I JuSt Want to MeEt oLd AnD NeW fRiEnDs! AnYoNe WiLL Do. ThAt'S aLL FoLkS! FeEl FrEE To AdD Me!!!!! [email protected]


PoP, RnB, sOuL, SeNti, AcOuStIc in short aLL


HarRy PotTeR, LoTr, VaN HeLsInG, NaTiOnaL TrEaSurE, HiDe & sEeK, ThE DaY AfTeR ToMmOrOw, ReSiDeNt EviL, ReSiDeNt EviL ApOcaLyPsE, LaRa CrOft ToMb rAiDer, LaRa CrOft ToMb rAiDer tHe cRadLe oF LiFe, kiLL biLL vol.1&2, ThE PasSiOn Of tHe ChriSt, briNg It On, yOu gOt sErVed, 13 gOiNg oN 30, mEaN giRLs, UnDeRwOrLd, CuTtiNg eDgE, mAiD iN mAnHattAn, tHe LeAgUe oF ExTrAoRdiNaRy GeNtLeMeN, TrOy, ChArLiE's AnGeLs FuLL ThRottLe, AnAcOnDa, AnAcOnDas tHe hUnt fOr tHe bLoOd oRchid, DeEp bLuE SeA, GhOsT sHiP, FiNaL dEsTiNaTiOn 1, FiNaL dEsTiNaTiOn 2, FiNaL dEsTiNaTiOn 3, sAw, sAw 2, tHe tExAs cHaiNsAw MasSaCre, tHe eXorCisM oF eMiLy rOsE, tHe MuMmY, tHe MuMmY ReTuRnS, tHe oTheRs, ArtiFiciaL InteLLigeNcE, jAcK, BicEntEnNiaL mAn & MaNy MaNy MoRe


ReaLitY sHoWs, ThaT's sO rAvEn, LiZziE mCgUiRe & ArT aTtacK


BIBLE, HarRy PotTeR SeRiEs, LoTr, UnDeRwOrLd NoVeL, VaN HeLsInG NoVeL