E profile picture


Pedophilia:(n)-The act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a chil

About Me

I'm an otaku I promote Mindless Self Indulgence. Please DO NOT add me if you are questioning your religion or if you are a fan of Judge Hatchett. PLEASE add me if you are a smelly mall-goth kid. PLEASE add me if you are fat. By the way, please don't add me because I suck. And don't call me a faggot because clearly I already said I'm a faggot. No I didn't. Now I did. Don't add me.
xshadowyorix My Niggaspace!I Have a dog named Angel! ADD HER INSTEAD!

Behold, The New Generation of MSI "fans" [So It's Come to this...]:

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Jimmy Mindless Self Indulgence Anime Video games Feces Jimmy Stupidity Perversion Being Artsy-Fartsy Jimmy Pedophilia Shoutacon Lolicon Guro Hentai Jimmy Playa Hatin'

I'd like to meet:

Click Here To Add Chauncey! He's a good dog!


*Pic courtesy of Ryan!*Straight Music Gay Music Bisexual Music Questioning Music


Kiddie Porn Horror Movies Kiddie Movies Horror Porn


Television is good for it helps me play MY GAMES:



My #1 hero is God because he gave me my foreskin (which I love to chew on).

My Blog

DearS/Degrassi BULLSHIT.

Ok, so my favorite series' hate my fucking ass: ~DEGRASSI~ In Degrassi Episodes "Rock This Town", and "The Bitterest Pill", JT dies/ is dead. Yay. NOT!!: When JT died, the only c...
Posted by <UNCLe JENNIFEr> on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 05:55:00 PST

Another Mindless Rip Off EP

Yay new Msi!:"Although, MSI won't be releasing a full length CD this year, the band wanted to put out some songs that they're excited about in an EP to hold ya over till the next full length comes out...
Posted by <UNCLe JENNIFEr> on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 11:48:00 PST

under constructiones

Unt profile de mi es under constructiones papi. Meaning I need time to plan out my new layout. YAY! But i suck with computers...so let's see how this turns out...
Posted by <UNCLe JENNIFEr> on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 11:08:00 PST

R.I.P. Houdini the Ceiling hamster

My famous ceiling hamster died recently and was buried in some dirt in front of my house! HOUDINI COME BACK!!!!
Posted by <UNCLe JENNIFEr> on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 01:25:00 PST

The Mystery Of Thunderclap

okay, okay... This is what a thunderclap is (in my book): It's when you are sitting on a flat, hard substance such as the bottom of the bathtub, or a marble floor, and you fart so loud that the air re...
Posted by <UNCLe JENNIFEr> on Mon, 08 May 2006 12:18:00 PST

Salad! New song!

*Okays.....first off, I dun wanna get sued, so I must say that this song is just the song "Faggot" by MSI but with different lyrics....same beat.....same whatever....just diff lyrics (that i wrote mys...
Posted by <UNCLe JENNIFEr> on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 12:44:00 PST