Check me out on the YRB's website!
If you are offended by anything on my page... go the fuck away! =)
Here's the deal... I'm not one of those stupid superficial myspace fakes whos got like 600 or something people on my list... There are people I've know my whole life that arent on my list...I only keep those who I talk to on a regular basis, on myspace... Granted there are a few exceptions to that, HOWEVER, its MY list, and I can do what ever I want with it =)
Lana: i'm not spending 28 dollars for someone to rip hot wax off my crotch, that's just absurd
Kyle: Hot Topic? That's the silly shop right?
my mom:I can't tell where the opening is. All i know is when i drink it it comes out.
Russ:you may have lost it in my pants
My sister:I just skateboarded from one end of hell to the other
Alex:can i tell people that you were a crackhead that I pulled from the gutter and turned into a sucessful lingerie model
my mom: you have holes all over your fishnets
my dad:im ticked off on their behalf, and i dont even care
Sabrina:I'd say white, but we're not white people
Sarah: I'm not into chicks but I would definately pay to have phone sex with you.
My sister: It looks like one of the guys from spy vs. spy got hit with a picossolator
Chris:then its not a prob if you continue fucking him is it, seein as shes all emo and dead inside and shit
Sabrina: he's not- oh, I wasn't suppose to tell any one!
Pat: keep blowing me and I'll call my grandma!
Pat: hehe-Hey! did you just fuck me in the ass?
Pat: That's right! laugh into my nipple!!
Pat: never trust a man that won't put his tongue in your crotch
Pat: or you could just put your hand near it and see if if sucks or blows
Russ: See, look, you cant understand a word of it, that's how you know its good quality
Pat: ok can't type, must masturbate.
My history teacher:the christians eat everything!
Sabrina:I have to go get dressed before you get here, otherwise i'm gonna answer the door in my bra and underwear and you're one of the few people i know who would't find it sexy!
Sabrrina: it's halloween! you're allowed to be a nazi...........unless you're princ william
Sabrina:i've come to the conclusion that everything with a dick, has a dick
My sister:No venga bus in the bathroom
Brian: dont lie, u wud love cummy nerf dart in the eye
Kevin: They should make vibrators that come with their own personal nuclear reactors.