Empires' blend of melody-laden doom conjures up feelings of a bittersweet hopelessness. While interpreting stories from the harshness of the natural world, "Through Trial & Tribulation Comes Triumph," the band's debut radiates their personal emotions of loss, hope, despair and triumph through beautifully executed buildups. The drums and bass create pummeling rhythms and sub-melodies that can't help but remind you of the last dying days of the universe. Wilting guitars worm their way in and out of hypnotizing trance-like passages and sorrow filled melodies releasing vibrations of crushing despair as well as that of a remaining hope.
Click here to order Through Trial & Tribulation Comes Triumph from Saw Her Ghost Records!
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All shirts $6 US. This includes shipping and free 3-song promo disc while they last.
EMPIRES is distributed here:Saw Her Ghost Interpunk Century Media Smart Punk Slave Union Handstand Friend of Mine