Aviation - I love anything that flies.
Boats - Although I love to ski, I prefer sailboats.
Skydiving - It has been several years since I have gone regularly, I really need to get back.
Skiing/snowboarding, hockey, soccer, running, kayaking, bicycling.
I got into rock climbing for a while, but had to give it up due to lack of interest amongst my "freinds". (This is not a sport that is wise to do solo)
I love Gothic clubs although I am not particularly Gothic.
I like a person who likes what they do. I don't care whether it is skydiving or needlepoint. The point is that they spend their time doing what they want to do instead of wishing they did more.
Whatever happens to catch my ear at the time. I like everything from garage bands to glam rock. I make no appologies.
Mostly comedies. There are enough fucked up things happening in the real world, I don't need to watch them for entertainment. If I do, I will turn on the news.
I must confess I choose what I watch based on the attractiveness of the leading lady. Hey, I can be shallow at times.
Children of the night. I am not big into vampire books, but this one had an unusual spin. I am not talking about unusual like "Blade" I am talking about philosophical unusual. Angels and Demons, Da Vinci Code. Two excellent books I just finished reading. I am really getting sick of all the hype though. This is not biblical history, this is just an artist thumbing his nose at the church.