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Jon Dahms

I am here for Networking

About Me

you've got to pick up the pieces come on now sort you trash better pull yourself back together maybe you've got too much cash better call,call the law when you gunna turn yourself in yeah your a politician dont become one of hitlers childrenbonzo goes to bitburg and he'll stop for a cup of tea as i watch him on tv somehow it really bothered me drank at all the finest bars in town for an extended foriegn ploicypick up the piecesmy brain is hanging upside down i need something to slow me downshouldnt wish you happines shoulda wished her very best 50,000 dollar dress,shakin hands with your highness see through you like sellaphane you watch the world complain,but you do it any way so who am i,am i to saybonzo goes to bitburg and he'll stop for a cup of tea as i watch him on tv somehow it really bothered me drank at all the finest bars in town for an extended foreign policypick up the piecesmy brain is hanging upside down nand i need something to slow me downthere's one thing that makes me sick is when someone tries to hide behind politics wish time would go by fast somehow they manage to make it last

My Interests

Guitar,women,crazy adventures,Learning about human life like psychology and shit like that,supporting local music.Also finding musicians

I'd like to meet:

The ones who know of sacradism


Whatever comes to my head


Independent,foreign films




Crazy books that teach me morals,principles or anything useful to me in general


Achilles Axl Rose Slash The Beatles Jimi Hendrix Jim Morrison

My Blog

A babble of the blance

In a land full of lightwas a land of darknessthat made people ununiteThis realm of hate becamethe will to surviveMurder and black all aroundwished everything wre stil the sameChanges in a life unknown...
Posted by Jon Dahms on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 10:47:00 PST

Sunshine of my love

wheres is my sunshine womanis she shining through windowmaking my day light up.when the days comes cloudy she makes it brightwith the feeling that, everythings so rightSo I wonder,Will she ever be wit...
Posted by Jon Dahms on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 09:45:00 PST

A man of time

..> He came across the ocean of thought.Buried deep inside his mind he found a will to revive everything that was once dead.It would be ressurected but he knew it would never be the same.His mind ra...
Posted by Jon Dahms on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 06:00:00 PST

something I call upon the sea

..> Where have I found my loveIs she sleeping in a far away landFor no other love has sent me on a such a tripHer voice is as soft as the windAs I can feel her flow on the insideThat thought will n...
Posted by Jon Dahms on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 06:37:00 PST

the thought of being glass

..> In a time of despire where my heart aches as if like shattered glass on the floor waiting to be swept up and thrown away just to be replaced by something more fancy.That one thought of why.In th...
Posted by Jon Dahms on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 08:24:00 PST

Here we are

When it all comes down to it the simple destruction of man kind is needed.The sacrafice of souls and the birth of a new dawn.Will I or anyone in that matter drink the poison from the flask.Will the sh...
Posted by Jon Dahms on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 06:47:00 PST

can you fly

I spy in the sky a world off illusion can you see the blotches of clouds turn into the elephants of your perception can I find heaven upon a hill  is it that you admire is it the be people...
Posted by Jon Dahms on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 11:50:00 PST

With the looks of an angel and love of a bitch

..> The words of sorryresemble the meaning of fuck me agian as I let you into my world of untouched thoughtAs the difference between uscarries a heavy burden of false feelingsEach knowing that ther...
Posted by Jon Dahms on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 10:26:00 PST


..> we got the love and stories to do what we canreproduce and kill fellow manin this world of choas an without it we will never learn how to grow and feel free with what they gave us to use as a l...
Posted by Jon Dahms on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 10:22:00 PST


..> Where is my Juliet,the one in which I could call my true love.Would it be the sun from her eyes to come greet me as it brightens my soul or will I have to have the stars guide our lifes to final...
Posted by Jon Dahms on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 09:38:00 PST