HI! I'm Jessica. I'm kinda a big deal.
I'm pretty awesome. Sixteen. March 2nd is a day you cannot forget. Junior at Diman. Health Careers. I have my license, and I'm siked. I can be described in many ways. I'm simple, yet complex. I'm a happy girl, with a lot to live for. I strive to be the best that I can be. I'm a dreamer and determined to be someone. I have no problem telling you how it is, so you can say I'm honest, or a bitch. I'm a bookworm, a nerd, and I'm pretty okay with that. I'm outgoing, silly and spontaneous. I'm a good listener. I live fully, I love completely and I laugh a lot. You only have one life to live, you might as well have fun.
"They say before you die, your whole life flashes before you
so make those memories worth seeing the second time around"
"Over time you start to realize how precious life really is. You only have one chance to live, & there's so many amazing things in this world left unseen to the majority of people; so many moments you could miss out on. So laugh til you cry, love til it hurts, and live til you die "