Michael profile picture


~Time is precious...We should all learn to cherish it, for there is a predestined time limit nobody

About Me

Conservative, friendly, outgoing, weird, unpredictable. Mix them all together and that's me! hahaha... :)What i like most is driving (cars are the best things ever invented in history for me :D ), eating, chilling, spending time with friends, spending time alone, and various other things for you to find out! :)What i don't like is ummm...people with attitudes (jus cant stand them...), mean people (rawr! :P), and myself (when i lose my temper over stupid things, when i start having negative thoughts, and when i don't take the opportunities right in front of me and let them drift away... :S )i have recently developed a curiousity on people's unhappiness. why do they feel that way? i have found the solution...or at least i think i have...cause it works for me! hahaha...i want more and more people to be happy and positive instead of feeling "crappy" and always negative in their attitudes. i want to help! ^^

My Interests

Driving, Cruising, Exploring, Girls, Shoot Pool, Swim, Racing, Cars, Electronics, Listen Music, Eat, Hang Out, and much more :pPicked up on violin once more out of interest. Interesting....rellllaxxxxxingggg! ^^

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and anything that wants to be a part of my life! :) Do u wanna enter my life? i know you do! hahaha :DThere are a handful that i have met with such GREAT qualities that it would be unimaginable not to be able to spend time with them...they are the joy of my life. they are my everything. :) What i want more than anything is to meet more of these individuals. ^^


I like most of them, but especially favor the smooth, soothing kind. it's just sooooo relaxing....zZzz


Mostly all of them cept "The Village" ewwww :P if i had to watch it a 2nd time, id rather go to the kitchen and grab the knife...hahhaa...jk! but i really really REALLY dislike it!!


Dont watch much nowadays...just Lost! 3rd seasssson! wahahahha


I have develop a new interest in a certain type of book. It has changed my view of people completely.


Instead of heroes, i'd say admirations...it should be quite obvious, so let's keep it a secret! between u and me :)

My Blog

Personality Tests

..> Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ISTP) Your personality type is reserved, methodical, spirited, and intense.Only about 6% of all people have your personality, including 3% of all women and 8...
Posted by Michael on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 11:54:00 PST