peter v. profile picture

peter v.


About Me

chips and salsa for dinner, the bluth family, and practicing stufff.

My Interests

- Act As If
- jason bateman
- trader joe's blackberry infusion tea
- okkervil river
- rob bell
- antioxidants

I'd like to meet:

Bros, man. Lots of bros.


The Smashing Pumpkins, The Beatles, Copeland, Harvey Danger, The Pale, The Format, Death Cab For Cutie, Margot and The Nuclear So and So's, Monsters Are Waiting, Jimmy Eat World, The Killers, Okkervil River, Meiko, Great Northern, Radiohead, Elliott Smith, Ryan Adams, Bright Eyes, Coconut Records, Lovedrug, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Queen, Depeche Mode, Neil Diamond, Elton John, Simon and Garfunkel, Third Eye Blind, The Eagles, The Get Up Kids, Weezer, Say Anything, The Starting Line, An Angle, Phantom of the Opera (original 1986 London' realz), Steel Train, The Catheters, Peter Parker, Foo Fighters, and probably a few others.


The Godfathers
The Royal Tenenbaums
Waiting For Guffman
Best In Show
Lost In Translation
There's Something About Mary
Beatles Anthology
The Life Aquatic
Pan's Labyrinth
Knocked Up
Rocket Science
There Will Be Blood


Arrested Development
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Office


CS Lewis
- Miracles
- A Grief Observed
- The Screwtape Letters
- The Problem of Pain
- The Great Divorce
- Mere Christianity
Rob Bell
- Velvet Elvis
- Sex God
Chuck Klosterman
- IV
- Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs


P. McCartney, B. Corgan, D. Grohl, B. Gibbard.

My Blog

a million things (2/16/08)

I'm listening to Elton John & folding laundry. (not a bad way to end a Friday night, incidentally)Got a million thoughts floating around; movies, books, politics, love.Juno affects me everytime i watc...
Posted by peter v. on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 01:39:00 PST

A long week, a long year, but thank goodness. (12/16/07)

I'm pretty worn out, but in a good way I suppose. 2k7 is coming to a close&kind of nuts. I don't really know what to write, but I feel like writing something&sometimes it's the best way I guess.I wa...
Posted by peter v. on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 01:05:00 PST

Back To School! (9/6/07)

Weirdness.I decided to take a couple classes at Citrus College this fall, just kind of for fun. Cause ya know, school's fun--right? I already have a quiz tomorrow--OMGZZZ! (I've been trying to comm...
Posted by peter v. on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 12:22:00 PST

MxPx is still cool, right?? (7/15/07)

I've had a lot of fun listening to some old MxPx today...and I think I'm going to continue delving back into it for a bit. It's important to note, that in my life personally, I've kind of moved 'beyo...
Posted by peter v. on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 04:01:00 PST