miss alice BANG profile picture

miss alice BANG

alright, i'll tell you what it SHWAS

About Me

pinchy. GG. avocado on toast. fridays. my ice cream man. THE rocks. drunken fun. video nights. laughing. holidays. my bed. the start of new things. dr suess books. watermelon juice. shwoit. pj's. Jamie. I'm pretty organised but always late. bit ridiculous. Recorder playing should be banned!BEGINMYSPACETOOLBOXBACKUP VERSION 1.0;;ffffff; http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v320/XobAbYiNgaoX/hearts.j pg; Bottom Right; fixed; no-repeat; 000000; ; ; ; ; ; ; 333333; ; ; ; ; ; ; 000000; ; ; ; ; ; ; 333333; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Center Center; scroll; no-repeat; 333333; solid; 3px;;ENDMYSPACETOOLBOXBACKUP

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