Dancing, cruising, fishing, jumping, running, swimming, eating, watching street racing, clubbin', sittin', chillin', doin nuthin', Boxing, Snow boardin', going to shows, token, Myspacin? Hookah (thanks to Caleb and friends) Having FUN!!!
Dez from Devil Driver (favorite band) Jamie Fox: He is one talented dude; Johnny Depp... cuz he kicks ass; Julia from Uranium or Slave to the Metal on fuse tv; Colin Ferrel; your mom and a bowl of cheese crackers
Rock, Punk, Reggae, drumb and bass, techno, electronica, ska, jungle, Metal, Rap, gangsta, R&B, Rave, Emo, Industrial, Alternative, Progressive,
Shows that i've seen!
Mankind is Obsolete - Still Right Here
Reel Big Fish
Dave Matthews - Loving Wings
Pepper- Sitting on a CurbSlightly Stoopid Live in San Diego - Officer
Xmen3, Fight Club, Hackers, Snatch, Clerks, The new Miami Vice movie (by far one of my favorite movies now), ScarFace, The Grudge, Queen of the Damned, The Fifth Element
Cris Angel (sp?), Ripley's,
Authors: Edgar Rice Boroughs, Jim Butcher, James Clavell.
My dad because w/o him I think I would be a little lost; My Best buddy Russ because he is a crazy dude; Linnea Myers, she made it possible for Jr's rock hard hard to soften; Emily because she is my new sweetheart... and i love her to death.