Wandering around doing jack shit, going out, catching up with random people from my past, karaoke, going to see djs, music in general, getting lost driving around, watching my friends play video games, staying up too late till the sun comes up @ cafe coco, school, nappy time
Cool people, as long as you're not too cool, and if you're cooler than me, you have to make me think I'm cooler than you.... That will make you even cooler in my book.
Basically I want to meet people who will like me.
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Alanis is my girl!!!!!, Widespread Panic, Black-Eyed Peas, Missy Elliot (of course!!!), Dave Matthews Band, Particle, ATB, Tiesto, Iio, Kelly Clarkson, Rihanna, Galactic, Gnarls Barkley, Cassie, Andrew Byrd, Bran Van 3000, and love me some Pussy Cat Dolls.... can't help it...hmmmmmmm....... anything that is not Mariah Carey=)Imogen Heap, Justin Timberlake, Three-Six Mafia, India.Arie, Dixie Chicks, and I've recently grown this really serious addiction to Citizen Cope.
Requiem for a Dream, The Rules of Attraction, The Big Lebowski, Erin Brockovich, The Usual Suspects, Mulholland Drive, Mean Girls, Crash, Boondock Saints, 40 Days and 40 Nights, Fahrenheit 911!!!, Stardust, The Devil Wears Prada
Will & Grace, South Park, anything Adult Swim, Forensic Files, Roseanne, SNL, & Law & Order.... that show will be the death of me=)
Fear of Flying, The Rapture of Canaan, Why I Am Not a Christian, Caste & Class in a Southern Town, The New Kinsey Report on Sex, Bi America, The Handmaid's Tale
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