Elvis, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., Da Pope, Alicia Silverstone, Samuel Jackson, Bill Gates, Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen King, Queen Elizabeth, Ghandi, Charlie Rose, Howard Stern, David Letterman
2PAC, NWA, Method Man, Snoop, Mary J, Method Man, LL, Motley Crue, Rob Zombie, SOD, The Chieftans, Geoge Jones, Garth Brooks, REBA, Elvis, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Ramstein, Rage Against The Machine
Scarface, Good Fellas, The Godfather, Clueless, Bring it On, ValleyGirl, Debbie Does, Through the Green Door,
Miko, Morals and Dogma, Moby Dick, Pillars of Solomon, Holy Blood Holy Grail, Salems Lot,