- Trippy Text MySpace Codes
- I am nothing But a kid at heart. The only things you need to know. My world is the only thing that never makes complete sense.I try and comprehend and always seem to take the complicated route. I will always hold my friends dearest to me. CHange is invetible. So if we were friends and now we're not. You are also in my heart, very dearly. I feel somedays I make perfect circles of sense, and no seems to understand. I'm fighting impulses, stronger than you can imagine at the moment. And I am praying to let this go. Life is complicated, It never gets easier, So you keep fighting to keep your self above water. But thats what sets us apart. Cause everything Is worth while when you are in it to surive and not because it was handed to you. I am waiting for that person who know's and nothing is said. Every flaw is unique embrass your potential. Dont change for people. I am working on being a stronger person for my self. Pictures distort the image and can make us happy for days. Music is a release that allows me to feel emotion and embrace everything. We all truly wish we were free. But we are not, Cause the thing is we strive for someone to be there by our sides. You already have your own opinion of me that's fine keep it, your not hurting me in anyway.
I love the outdoors I could spend my whole life outside if the weather was just the way I like it. My life is far from simple. but the thing is. It's mine and no one else's so why are you judgeing me? Cause it's human nature.'Get over it'......."My life is amazing....(me)" "Your life is about as fucked up as Alice in Wonderland.."(merkle)....
Baseball diamonds
'What crazy thing are you aroused by?' at All this talking and I forgot to mention my name. So here it is be prepared (ps isn't it pretty?).........
S Saintly
A Ambitious
B Bashful
R Rare
I Important
N Nutty
A Arty
Name / Username:
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