I am interested in lots of things. Uh, looking for money with a metal detector is something I'm interested in. Let's see...getting coins out of a wishing well is another. I'm also interested in swords and rare helmets and I collect them in my shoe box. What else? Um, I like to walk real fast. I mostly am willing to learn anything but I like these things most.
Ravers, tweeks, sluts and partiers would most accurately describe my current "crew". We are actively looking for a fat guy, little person (must be willing to wear costumes) or a tall girl (slutty preferred) to join. We generaly hang out until 11pm then we hit up the clubs and do our thang (thang being get drunk and talk about plans we never actually do). College degree not required but being in a Frat is a plus. Looking for at least 2 years experience in air hockey, darts, blow jobs or customer service center.
Fast, fast, fast is the beat that I like most. If a song is slow or even backwards, I don't like it. I really like to listen to music in my car and sometimes I will swerve to the beat. As you may have guessed, I have had some close calls but I will not stop swerving. I'm telling you man (or woman) I like fast music and fast cars. I drive a real fast Acura with helicopter blades on top for stability.
I hate blockbuster movies! American movies just seem so corporate and fake. I really enjoy foreign movies because they seem more real. I love Last Samuri (Japan), Nacho Libre (Mexico), Bad News Bears Go to Japan (Japan again), Bourne Supremacy (Germany), and The Gods Must Be Crazy (Africa...is that a country?...oh well). When I watch foreign movies like these it just makes more sense why people love foreign-made films.
TV is good for a laugh. I watch TV and just laugh and laugh. I really enjoy comedies, dramadies and laugh-fests. Want to know a good show? America's Funniests ______. You fill in the blank and I'm there! I like watching fat people eat and skinny people smoke. What!?! That cat is chasing a sprinker?!...HILARIOUS!! Who?! Jay Leno is reading newspaper misprints!?!...I'm pissing my pants! Man, TV is funny.
I don't really like to read books as much as I like to read minds. What's that you're thinking? I can't read minds? Well then, why don't you tell me how I just knew you were thinking that? Oh, really? How exactly are you going to "sue" me for reading your mind? Your friend's dad is a lawyer? Who cares! Does he specialize in mind reading cases? Oh, he does?? Sorry, I'll quit reading your mind then.
I don't believe in heroes. I mostly believe in liking someone so much that you pattern your life after them and follow their example to the best of your ability and getting posters of them and their autographs and stuff. There is really no reason to have a hero in these days when it's so easy to just LOVE someone like crazy and follow them around waiting for them to talk and then writing down whatever they say and then trying to get people to buy it from you. Grow up, people