A Formal Introduction
The Formal Introduction
As low cost recording studios and video editing software become increasingly available to the mass public, the skill of intricate sound and visually captivating art has begun to subside. Fads and trends have become the centerpiece in entertainment, rather than in-depth, thought provoking writing and video imagery. Although mainstream entertainment has always been promoted and therefore dictated by large companies, urban music has seemed to consistently go against the grain. However, in today’s music and video landscape it is more common to see clones, and imitators rather than innovators.
Few labels and artists have continued to strive for individuality, and those who have, many times have been silenced and pushed to the back of the shelves, receiving little promotion, recognition or a platform at all. I-80 Media Group however, has assembled a team of talented writers, producers and engineers to bring integrity back to the forefront of urban music. Concentrating on timeless music and genuine artistic expression rather than the 15 minutes of fame many others strive for. Housing an extremely talented roster covering a broad range of back grounds, influences, and perceptions; hailing from California’s culturally diverse Bay Area, I-80 Media Group picks up where other labels left off, in providing real music for real people.
I-80 Media Group