mila profile picture


Let the beauty we love be what we do.

About Me

I am first and foremost a mother, which is hard sometimes, but worth it. I have just recently realized that all I need in this life is my daughter, although I want more than that. I have little patience for people with no motivation to change their situation, especially if they complain about it. Whatever it is that drives someone, I think they should use that. I feel lazy if I have not defiled a book with annotations recently, because among my passions are literature. I can immerse myself in the written word indefinitely, reading a line that resonates with me dozens of times until I understand what it is about the language and structure that moves me. Literature and writing are my artistic expressions, I can't draw, play music or write poetry, although I have a deep appreciation for those who can and what they produce. I am an intensely loyal friend and I truly care about people for the simple fact that they are people. I am disappointed in the fact that humans seem unable to care for other humans without knowing them. Neighbor or stranger, we are all more alike than most people will admit. I love my life, but that does not mean I won't bitch about it. I just wouldn't trade it for anything.

My Interests

Literature, pop fiction, experimental fiction, short fiction, novels, novellas, plays, poetry, prose, creative non-fiction, memoirs, writing and reading in general, my beautiful and amazing daughter, my incredibly sexy boyfriend and his c*&k, my friends, swinging in the dark, music, music, music, great movies, documentaries, continuous learning, dutch bros, classic ice cream sandwiches, yoga, beef jerkey, discussions: politics, religion, the more controversial the better, doing the best i can at whatever i'm doing, not crashing my car anymore.

I'd like to meet:

People who have motivation to be relevant in whatever way they decide. People who are outspoken about themselves and stay quiet about others. People who contain an ounce of innocence, compassion, intelligence, joy, artistry, critical thinking skills, original thought, or pure opinion. FYI: I don't want to meet guys for the sake of meeting guys, I already have one and I am happily in love with him...


AFI, Al Green, Alice in Chains, Ani Difranco, Ashlee Simpson, At the Drive In, Audioslave, the Beatles, Beastie Boys, Beck, Billy Idol, Black Crowes, Bob Dylan, Bon Jovi, the Breeders, Bush, Cake, CCR, Chevelle, the Clash, Collective Soul, the Crystal Method, Dashboard Confessional, David Allan Coe, David Bowie, Dead Kennedys, Dean Martin, Deftones, Dishwalla, Dispatch, the Doors, Dresden Dolls, Elefant, Eli Allman, Elvis, Elvis Costello, Eve 6, Everclear, Face to Face, Fenix TX, Filter, Foo Fighters, Franz Ferdinand, Garbage, GNR, Gorillaz, Guster, Hawthorne Heights, the Hives, Hot Hot Heat, Ill Nino, Incubus, International Noise Conspiracy, Jack Johnson, Jane's Addiction, Janis Joplin, Joan Jett, John Legend, Johnny Cash, Johnny Lang, Kanye West, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Kidney Thieves, the Kills, the Killers, Korn, Liam Lynch, Lynard Skynard, Marilyn Manson, Marvin Gaye, Modest Mouse, Motley Crue, Muse, Nas, Neil Young, Nine Inch Nails, OAR, Oasis, Offspring, Otep, Pat Benetar, Pearl Jam, Pink Floyd, Pink Martini, the Pixies, PJ Harvey, POD, Poe, Primus, Prodigy, Queen, Queens of the Stone Age, the Ramones, the Replacements, Republica, Rilo Kiley, Rob Zombie, the Roots, Run DMC, Saliva, Shinedown, Skindive, Sneaker Pimps, Soil, Something Corporate, Sonic Youth, Static X, the Stills, Stone Temple Pilots, Sublime, Sugarcult, System of a Down, the Toadies, Tom Petty, Tom Waits, Tupac, Type O Negative, Unwritten Law, Van Morrison, the Verve, the Vines, Violent Femmes, Weezer, the White Stripes, the Who, Wilco, Yeah Yeah Yeahs.


"I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that..." 21 Grams, the 40-year-old Virgin, A Clockwork Orange, Alfie, American Beauty, American History X, American Movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Army of Darkness, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Bully, Casino, Chasing Amy, City of God, Clerks, Clerks II, Cool Hand Luke, Crash, the Devil's Rejects, Dirty Harry, East of Eden, Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, Eyes Wide Shut, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Fight Club, Freeway, Garden State, Gattaca, Goodfellas, History of the World, I Heart Huckabees, In Good Company, Layer Cake, the Life of David Gale, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Mulholland Drive, Napolean Dynamite, the Notebook, Old Boy, Outfoxed, Rebel Without a Cause, the Ref, Requiem for a Dream, Roman Holiday, the Royal Tennenbaums, Salton Sea, SAY ANYTHING, Secretary, the Smokers, Tart, V for Vendetta, Vanilla Sky, Walk the Line, Wedding Crashers, X Men 1, 2 and 3, Y Tu Mama Tambien.


Buffy, the OC, Freaks and Geeks, Family Guy, Harvey Birdman, Sealab. .. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..


Anything written by: ~Chuck Palahniuk ~Nick Hornby ~Douglas Coupland ~Bret Easton Ellis ~Milan Kundera ~JD Salinger ~Truman Capote ~Arthur Miller ~Joyce Carol Oates ~Sylvia Plath ~Bob Hicok ~Kahlil Gibran ~Alice Sebold ~Carl Hiaasen ~Gabriel Garcia Marquez ~Kevin Brooksand also: ~the dictionary ~Glamour ~Maxim ~Psychology Today ~Cosmo ~Where the Wild Things Are


Dita Von Teese

My Blog

words to live by

If anyone asks youhow the perfect satisfactionof all our sexual wantingwill look, lift your faceand say,Like this.When someone mentions the gracefulnessof the nightsky, climb up on the roofand dance a...
Posted by mila on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 12:36:00 PST

i cut all my hair off...

Posted by mila on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 09:37:00 PST

less sex, more time for...

reading.sleeping.eating.thinking about sex.wishing for...missing.working.blogging.catching up on celebrity gossip.goody.oh, did i say less?yeah, i meant none.fuck....
Posted by mila on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 07:41:00 PST

life is precious

Friday was the last day for a dear friend. A man who went camping every year with my dad for two decades, his best friend. The one who played his guitar by the campfire with us, he occupies so many of...
Posted by mila on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 12:48:00 PST


I took Justin to the airport yesterday morning, so he's gone. I don't know what to do with myself. I want to climb out of my skin, and I can't stop thinking about him. And this is the only song I feel...
Posted by mila on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 02:04:00 PST

and one more thing

Your gun went off. Well you shot off your mouth and look where it got you. My mouth runs on too. Shouts from both sides, "Well we've got the land but they've got the view!" Well now here's the clue. L...
Posted by mila on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 04:50:00 PST

I've got the time, I got the hours, I got the days, I got the weeks...

So Justin officially leaves Friday morning at 6 am. To a place only accessible by plane, or, if you have really strong arms, by boat. I can't do a pull-up and I can't afford plane tickets, so I'm fuck...
Posted by mila on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 04:44:00 PST

a week from monday

i don't know
Posted by mila on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 10:21:00 PST

Trying to be optimistic

Wow, how life can change over a weekend.But you know what? Sometimes exactly what you don't want can show you how much you care about someone.If you asked me a few months ago what I thought about long...
Posted by mila on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:47:00 PST

GZilla Fo Sho

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Posted by mila on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 06:57:00 PST