Dark Comics and Movies. Morbid fun and irony! oh and i love my Friends bunches. A big intrest of miner is the medical feild. i wnna be like a nurse or something.
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New people and lots of bands and friends and what-not!
Too many to list, but i like Punkish or Emo stuff. I like older bands too. bluegrass. Some top 40 shit too i guess.
I like All kinds of movies. anything with Johnny Depp or if it's made by Tim Burton. and I enjoy horror and action... i love Fight club and LOTR
Woot for Degrassi!!!!! and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I enjoy reading; the history of medicine, and anything sad that makes my life seem not so bad!
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Johnny Deep for the fact he's an amazing actor and has achieved so much as well as Lorena Bobbit b'cuz it shows how powerful women are!