caitlin {is a rockstar} profile picture

caitlin {is a rockstar}

life is beautiful.

About Me

::my name is caitlin. ::some refer to me as cat (along with various other names) ::that does not mean i like cats...i don't. ::i love my life. ::i also love my friends. ::i rock out to sublime. ::i do not rock out to the white stripes or fall out boy. ::i am right handed. ::i still play pool left handed. ::i go to school at MSU. ::i am not a good driver. ::i've gotten a few to many speeding tickets. ::i am slowly losing my short term memory. ::i am still not sure what i want to do with my life. ::i like to learn. ::i am excited for my future. ::i miss pole vaulting. ::photography will always be important to me. ::i am not a good driver. ::i'm an addict in various ways. ::without music life would be a mistake. ::i love meeting new people. ::i tend to get along with most of them. ::if you wave at me, i'll probably wave back. ::i might party to much. ::then again i might not. ::i dont like when people try to make decisions for me. ::those people tend to be wrong. ::computers and i usually dont get along. ::same with cars...i dont speak auto. ::i constantly laugh until my sides hurt. ::i dont function properly without caffeine. ::lots of caffeine. ::napoleon dynamite is over-rated. ::and over-quoted. ::uncommon=love ::repetition bores me. ::i need spontaneity in my life. ::solitude does not suit me well. ::i have gotten into my share of trouble. ::but i regret nothing from my past. ::i would not be who i am without it. ::i like who i am today. ::i will like who i am tommorow as well :)A IMG{ border-style:none;
Get this video and more at MySpace.comha...check out me and meghan
How to make a caitlin
5 parts gangster
5 parts waaahsomeness
1 parts friendliness
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Serve with a slice of lovability and a pinch of salt. (and about 50 lemons yo) Sweetastic!!

Personality cocktail

My Interests


love it.


almost famous.


nip tuck. one tree hill.thats about it.


confessions of an economic hitman. the tipping point.


hero of the week is:my english teacher...for not having a final.

My Blog

secret santa yo.

well i couldnt really think of a specific thing i wanted for x-mas so i decided to make a list of things that i like.  so here it goes... -caffeine. -things that smell goood. -the color green. -h...
Posted by caitlin {is a rockstar} on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 09:35:00 PST

one word.

  one word answers onlyyyyy1. Yourself:blissful.2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?absent.3. Your hair?dishevelled.4. Your mother?eminent.5. Your Father?dormant.6. Your Favorite THING:happiness.7. Your...
Posted by caitlin {is a rockstar} on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 11:41:00 PST